Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Kansas State Collegian: No Comment Necessary

Of course, the traitor got a standing ovation in the K-State Student Union, "Speaker criticizes lies behind U.S. helping Israel":
This was the scene aboard the MV Mavi Marmara, painted by Kenneth O'Keefe, ex-U.S. Marine and activist, in his speech at K-State on Tuesday night.
Referring to the Israel Defense Forces doing their duty in protecting their country from foreign aggression in time of war as "militants" says it all.
As an activist, O'Keefe speaks out against American imperialism and its support of Israel in the Israel-Palestine conflict. Although an American-born citizen, he is now a resident of London and a citizen of Ireland.

"The Palestinian people are much more patient, much more compassionate, much more humane than we are by any stretch." Those in the audience gave O'Keefe a standing ovation after his speech, and many students in the audience said they were glad they took the time to come and listen to the speech.
There is no reason to waste time again debunking the host of lies and misinformation spewed by O'Keefe upon gullible and ignorant students. Although, one should reserve the harshest judgment for the faculty that supports this peddler of lies.

One excellent source, that will never be assigned in university classrooms, is Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israel Conflict. This book has been made available online by the Jewish Virtual Library. It's a worthy antidote to the barrage of lies told by O'Keefe and his ilk.

One can also be sure that scum like O'Keefe won't be citing a recent paper by two German Scholars titled "'Elimenation of the Jewish National Home in Palistine': the Einsatzkommando of the Panzer Army Africa, 1942." In this paper, and their recent book Crescent Moon and Swastika: The Third Reich, the Arabs, and Palestine, Klaus-Michael Mallmann and Martin Cuppers thoroughly document Arab complicity with Hitler's attempts to institute the "Final Solution" in Palistine.

Despite some weaknesses, the main thesis around which the authors have organized their book - that the Nazis by summer of 1942 had drawn up concrete plans to murder the Jews of the Yishuv and that, recognizing in Arab nationalist opinion an ideologically suitable ally, they expected their genocidal endeavour to be substantially assisted by Arab collaborators - is convincingly argued. [Johannes Due Enstad, Journal of Contemporary History, 2009; Vol. 44, No. 1]
Crossposted at The Dougout

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