Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Krauthammer: There will be no Flag of Islam over the White House in my lifetime, my children's lifetime or our grandchildren's.


Unknown said...

Is this guy living in America?Thing are different here?Yeah whatever!Wake up smell the coffee !

Damien said...

Midnight Rider,

I think Krauthammer did a pretty good job.

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic display of two typically mindless conservatives in denial. O'Reilly (and especially Pat Buchanan) are the ones who initially "enraged" me to put up my site

Laughter doesn't refute expansionist ideology.

Saying that we're magically different from Europe evades that we are descendants OF Europe and sadly follow their path in too many ways.

Saying that it can't happen here is not a method of dealing with those whose stated and demonstrated goal is to ensure that it DOES happen here.

And a Muslim flag could never fly over the White House by force, but by specious arguments, legal manipulation and the willful complicity of Americans.

The Victory Mosque is to be in the chain of precedent for it.


American Rose said...

I totally agree with you Chuck. I always thought Krauthammer was smarter than that. Of course, it can happen here. It is happening here already.

Pastorius said...

Krauthammer doesn't know what he's talking about. He ought to try going to UCI, or Anaheim (near Disneyland) and come back and tell me there aren't Islamic neighborhoods dominated by extremists.

Adam Gadahn is from fucking Garden Grove, Ca right in the heart of Orange County, the most Conservative Christian area in the Western United States.

revereridesagain said...

I think he slipped "The Matrix" in there too. King of the non-sequitors. He may be right about our not having the numbers or volume of loudmouth aggressive muslims, but we're bigger and take longer to fill up. And if our separation of church and state is giong to save us, where is the widespread outrage over this Saudi dawah crap that's in our school textbooks, the takeover of Middle East Studies by the same Saudi-funded islamists, and the hovering "hate speech" laws and complicity with the victimization of people like Molly Norris, and Pam and Robert, and Wafa, Nonie, Ayaan and anyone else who defies Islam and gets threats in return? Why is Sharia law being obeyed with regard to burning the Krayon? Where are the Congressional hearings on the encroachment of Sharia finance?

I hope he's right -- but so far the parade seems to be headed in only one direction.

Pastorius said...

Very well put, RRA.

Wish you'd write more stuff for the front page. Your so damned passionate and articulate; a lethal combination.