Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Muslim Superheroes Coming To American TV

Coming soon to a TV in your child's bedroom is a posse of righteous, Sharia-com pliant Muslim superheroes -- including one who fights crime hidden head-to-toe by a burqa.

These Islamic butt-kickers are ready to bring truth, justice and indoctrination to impressionable Western minds.

The Hub, a joint venture with Hasbro toys, announced in May that it would produce and air episodes of "The 99." But then, murmurs of dissatisfaction turned into a cry.

How can a secular nation endorse a children's show aimed at pushing one religion?

Mom-of-two Trish Mobley said, "I have no problem with Muslim superheroes, but lose the burqa. 
 A female superhero should not wear a symbol of subservience to men. It's also completely impractical when fighting bad guys."

Now we're getting a comic book based on a wheelchair-bound Muslim superhero. What's next?

Let me tell you where i think the idea of a wheelchair-bound Muslim superhero comes from: Quote "Yassin, bound to a wheelchair since he hurt his back in a childhood.

Sheik Yassin was a founder of Hamas ,  a terrorist organization.." Yassin founded Hamas at the start of the first intefadeh."They will gloryfy the man who founded the terrorist group HAMAS!!Read the full story here.


Christine said...

Yup, drip, drip, drip. Infiltration is steadily taking place, just as the plan calls for.

And this pc nation will just stand back with it's up it's ass and let it happen.

revereridesagain said...

Too many parents are not like you. I hope there will be enough with not only the awareness but the level of knowledge to protest and contradict this. But too many kids are going to be sucked in -- unless the cartoon itself sucks and the kids turn it off themselves.

Are their any children's advocacy groups opposing this that we could help direct to sources of accurate information?

Damien said...


That's a pretty funny animation. Where did you find it?

Jason Pappas said...

A boycott of the sponsors? That might work.

Silverfiddle said...

Boycott? Nah. Just tell your kids its crap and ask them how many muslim heroes do they see in real life, or in all of recorded history for that matter.

If they are thinking kids, you will have just immunized them.

Epaminondas said...

Ohhh, I hope they show the one where the muslim superhero deals with the treacherous Banu Quryash, and the bad guyz in Kaibar !

Pastorius said...

I got the graphic from Will. I believe he designed it.


Damien said...


Thanks, Let will know that I thought it was hilarious than.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys.
Actually got lucky "Googling" for a pic of Sheik Yassin.Must be a Zionist design.lol