Saturday, October 02, 2010

Niqabitches: When French Moonbats Play Muslim

(Telegraph UK) — Two French female students have made a film of the pair of them strolling through the streets of Paris in a niqab, bare legs and mini-shorts as a critique of France’s recently passed law.

Calling themselves the “Niqabitches,” the veiled ladies can be seen strutting past prime ministerial offices and various government ministries with a black veil leaving only their eyes visible, but with their long legs naked bar black high heels.

Bemused passers-by can be seen gawping at the pair or asking to take photographs in the clip.


abdooss said...

I'm certain that most western countries, being democratic, believe in freedom and human rights.

What I don't understand is this ; if you let people go nude, why can't they cover everything up? It is their choice, right?

If you fear terrorists threats; maybe they can carry bombs in their burqa, BUT EVEN PEOPLE NOT WEARING BURQA have been blowing themselves up.

Anonymous said...

Rubbish, they are not even that hot.

Citizen Warrior said...

Phyllis Chesler wrote: "Quite apart from security or even human rights concerns, which I share, additionally, in my opinion, covering one’s head and face creates a serious health risk. Wearing a chaudry or burqa condemns a woman to a sensory deprivation chamber—something that is ordinarily considered a form of torture. A woman who can never feel sunlight condemns her to all the Vitamin D deficiencies, to low self-esteem, and to serious depression. How can a doctor examine such a woman?"

Why Ban Face Veils?

revereridesagain said...

But hey, they're only women, right abdooss? The Wholey Krayon and the Sha-rear law stipulate they are worth only half of a Son of Allah (oooops, sorry about that hint of shirk, o sun of the desert), so if they want to go around only half "covered up" that should work out about right, right?

Pastorius said...

People are not allowed to go nude in public.

Recently, the singer Erykah Badu was arrested for public nudity during a video shoot.

Pastorius said...

For the record, I am now deleting Abdoos' posts when they show a lack of reading comprehension/intellectual dishonesty.

Here he compared the Niqab to the habit of a nun. A stupid comparison.

From now on, I will paraphrase his dumbest posts as, "Idiot says, Niqab the same as nun habit ..."

or something to that effect.

We will not see his name when he posts stupid things.

I'm tired of his silly stuff.

If he wants to make a real argument, with a fair analysis of whatever subject we are dealing with, then fine.

But, as long as he is doing what he is doing, he is simply a troll, and others spend their time arguing with him, and that does no good.

At least this is the way I feel about it. It others would like me to leave his idiotic posts up, let me know. I'll do it.