Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Nuclear Religious Bomb!Pope Benedict XVI is denouncing "terroristic ideologies" that spur violence in God's name

From Will at The Other News:

Benedict said Monday as he opened a meeting of bishops from around the Middle East that such ideologies were a "false divinity" that must be "unmasked."

Thank God! 

Read the full news here.


revereridesagain said...

Wow, who woke up Benedict? He must have gotten a ghostly visit from a very irate Oriana Fallaci.

'Bout damn time.

Imagine the impact of these statements being repeated from the pulpit of every Catholic church in the world. Its worth just for dragging the issue into the light of day would be priceless.

Claudia said...

It's not only what he has said, it's also where he has said that. He gave that speech in the Synod of the Middle East, that is, speaking to the Bishops living in Islamic-majority countries.

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys react as though it is the first time Benedict XVI has spoken out strongly against terrorism??? My goodness..... have YOU people lived on Mars for the past 5 years?

Pastorius said...

He backed down the first time, in posture, if not idea. This served to take the authority out of his message.

Damien said...


He doesn't specifically mention Islam through. Off course I can imagine why.