Sunday, October 03, 2010

Obama appoints Muslim whose son was killed waging jihad against Russians

WASHINGTON D.C.–President Obama recently announced his intention to appoint businessman Farooq Kathwari and entrepreneur Dilawar Syed to key administrative posts.

According to the Militant Islam Monitor, and other sources, has more on Kathwari, Ethan Allen CEO Farooq Kathwari Speaking At Muslim Brotherhood Affiliated Event: 

Kathwari’s son Irfan, was killed in Afghanistan in 1992 while waging jihad against the Russians. Kathwari established a foundation in his name. Irfan is believed to have joined with jihadists [who were connected to either of two Islamic terror organization, Jaish Mohammed or Lashkar e Taiba] and died while carrying out an attack.Kathwari has a history of support for Islamist groups. 

In 2004 he was a speaker at the annual conference of the Islamic Society of North America, a group listed as an unindicted conspirator in the recently concluded successful prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation in the nation’s largest terror funding trial.Farooq Kathwari and his family continue to be high profile promoters of the Kashmiri separatist cause, which is code-speak for establishing an Islamic state in the area, parts of which are currently administered by India, Pakistan and China.Such a move is strongly supported by the Taliban and al-Qaeda.

It’s almost like in a B Movie script where a network of “Sleepers” are being planted?Read the full story here.


Christine said...

The TV show 24 comes to mind. Ack!

Of course, only we have noticed.

Damien said...


Obama is such a joke

Anonymous said...

UAE, US reliable allies
Abu Dhabi, Oct 3 : The United Arab Emirates and the US are reliable allies with shared security and economic interests, a UAE minister has said. Read Full Story

Epaminondas said...

" Muslim Brotherhood ".. an automagic DISQUALIFICATION from PHONE CALLS let alone appointments.


Anonymous said...

Police arrest Saudi who axed mother to death

Published: Oct 2, 2010 23:56 Updated: Oct 2, 2010 23:56

JEDDAH: A 27-year-old Saudi man who allegedly killed his mother with an ax was arrested by police on Saturday in the south Jeddah district of Muntazahat.

“The man is not in the correct state of mind and we’re waiting for a medical report that will tell us more about him and his mental status,” said Col. Misfer Al-Juaid, spokesman for Jeddah police.

“Until then, he will be kept in a cell and treated like any other criminal … He already has a file at the mental hospital in Taif but we still need to contact them for confirmation,” he said.

The man murdered his mother by hitting her in the head on Wednesday in the Muntazahat district of the city.

He had threatened to kill both his parents on several occasions in the past, according to his father.

The man fled before police arrived at the scene after they were alerted by neighbors. Officials immediately cordoned off the place and forensic experts were called to gather evidence.

After it became almost certain that the woman’s son was the prime suspect in the murder, police launched a manhunt and circulated a description of the individual.

Director of Jeddah Police Maj. Gen. Ali Muhammad Al-Ghamdi personally supervised the investigation.

The suspect’s father had complained to the police about the unruly behavior of his son.

He told the officials that his son used to threaten him and his wife if they failed to meet his demands.

“It seems the youth had an argument with his mother before he murdered her. His father had contacted the police and complained about his son disobeying them. He had said that his son used to threaten them both and beat them if they did not fulfill his wishes,” said the police spokesman.

“The dispute centered around the parents disapproving of his wife,” he added.