Tuesday, October 05, 2010

On Death Threats

I am going to repost Pamela's post in its entirety, because I think everyone needs to know this, and needs to consider the implications, not only for Pamela, Robert, and others whom we admire, but for ourselves as well.

From Atlas Shrugs:

This video was posted at a hate site dedicated to threatening and smearing Pamela Geller. I did not want to link to the hate site, so I am reposting this video here for reference. I believe that it is vitally important to document and bring to public attention the viciousness and hatefulness of Islamic supremacists and their allies in the U.S., and the danger they pose to free citizens. This video illustrates all of that with revolting and chilling vividness.

Let's take a step back and understand this. Former Muslim and author Wafa Sultan, former Muslim and Dutch MP Ayaan Hirsi Ali, scholar Rob Spencer, former Muslim and scholar Ibn Warraq, scholar Bat Ye'or, former Muslim Nonie Darwish, cartoonist Lars Vilks, cartoonist Kurt Westergaard, Danish newspaper publisher Flemming Rose, South Park producers Trey Parker and Matt Stone, Salman Rushdie and countless others, myself included, receive horrible threats all the time. Wafa Sultan is the only Southpark1American living in hiding. Geert Wilders lives under round-the-clock tight security because of the hundreds of death threats he receives every year. Theo Van Gogh was murdered in cold blood in the streets of The Netherlands because of a perceived insult to Islam (above photo).
Molly Norris, an unknown Seattle cartoonist, must go into witness protection because she dared to initiate "Everyone Draw Muhammad Day," a response to the Muslim death threats against the producers of Comedy Central (they dared to say Muhammad and put him in a huggy bear costume). So Norris has to change her name, leave her job, her home, her life, at her own expense, because jihadists holding the world hostage were ........... offended. Norris should be the top story of the day. Norris should be splashed on the front pages of newspapers nationwide. Norris should be the poster girl for media and free press everywhere. Instead, no one knows who the hell Norris is.
But Daisy Khan (Imam Rauf's wife #3), inciter and provocateur, and one of the architects of the Ground Zero mega-insult, claims to have received a phone call, and the media is all over it like flies on ............
Daisy mosque
Look at this:
The wife of the imam who plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero revealed Sunday her family has received death threats.
Speaking on Christiane Amanpour's "This Week," Daisy Khan said the family had sought help from the NYPD after receiving terrorizing telephone calls.
"For the record, my life is under threat," said Khan, whose husband is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf.
"Check with the Police Department. My husband's life is under threat," she added. "We do not walk around with bodyguards because we love this country."
New York's chief police spokesman confirmed the couple had received threatening calls and said an investigation is underway.
The chief police spokesman confirmed that Daisy and Rauf reported a phone call? So what? Why is this alleged death threat more newsworthy than those of us fighting for freedom with very real documented death threats? And where have you seen an Islamic supremacist ever targeted by death? And by whom, exactly?
This is where we are in this struggle -- a phone call (and who knows what was even said. I mean, really) is front page news, when real death threats against counter jihadists, or against accidental counter jihadists like Molly Norris, are systematically ignored. I have posted only a few of the threatsthat I get on a regular basis, and only linked the snuff film yesterday to show what it is we have been dealing with for years. But Daisy Khan claims she got a threatening phone call on Christiane Amanpour's pro-Islam dog and piggy show, and it's front page news at The NY Post and the NY Daily News. Why?
All over the world, brave freedom lovers and apostates risk life and limb because they speak out against the brutal and violent ideology of Islam. People are murdered with impunity. And it's like it never happened.
But" fatwas" on Muslims by non-Muslims? Puhleeze. Who? What? Where? When?
And let us not forget that it was Daisy and Rauf who created this discord, this divisiveness, this divide. They have been dishonest and disingenuous. So yes, I am skeptical. They play the victim, all the while victimizing us and exploiting the most horrible, heinous and bloodiest attack on American soil, in the name of Islam. The very idea of building a 15-story mega mosque on the hallowed ground of a building partially destroyed on 911 and naming it theCordoba House is grotesque, morbid and insulting. It's deliberately provocative and cruel.
But they play the sympathy card. And the media laps it up like eager puppies.
Is the infidel life worth less than Muslim life? Only in the qur'an. Only in Islam. Only in the sharia. Only in the media. Is that the moral code by which we are now living?
UPDATE: The taxpayer is funding "protection" for slumlord Rauf? This is outrageous. Every one of us pays for our security. Why does Radical Rauf get NYPD protection? From CNN:
....associates of Rauf have said the imam is largely avoiding New York because of security concerns and is receiving protection from the New York Police Department.
Everyone pays for security out of their own pockets but the radical who said these things gets protection. Right after 911, Rauf blamed America for the 911 attacks here.
And the "moderate" radical said this:
The United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al Qaida has on its hands of innocent non Muslims. You may remember that the US-led sanctions against Iraq led to the death of over half a million Iraqi children. This has been documented by the United Nations. And when Madeleine Albright, who has become a friend of mine over the last couple of years, when she was Secretary of State and was asked whether this was worth it, said it was worth it.
On the question of reforming Islam and expunging the texts of the threat doctrine and mandated violence and conquest:
Imam Feisal: On the issue of the reformation, in terms of what is again intended by it, Islam does not need a reformation. 
Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf: "So men will say: women, you know, they're emotional, ..... whatever, whatever, and women will say: men, they're brutes, insensitive, etcetera, and you have the beginning of a gender conflict. If gender is not what distinguishes us we'll look at skin colouring and say: n#####s or whities, or whatever"


Damien said...
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Damien said...


Its not a smooth move to be sending people death threats, even members of the stealth jihad. It will not help our cause, and will just be seen as proof that people speaking out agianst them are bigots. Assuming Rauf or Kahn actually did receive death threats, whoever sent them those death threats, did us a disfavor.

revereridesagain said...

We don't know THAT they got death threats, or from whom. We DO know that those who stand up to Islam in public get death threats. We can see them here. To hell with worrying about who MAY have sent some kind of "threat" to the Raufs, Gamal the Goon, or any of the rest of them. We can't police everyone. And if the MSM hadn't been kissing their asses for the past several months, no one else would know or care.

That being said, ALWAYS refrain from threatening. Not because of them but for your own safety and well-being. Within pretty wide legal parameters you can still criticize, challenge, make fun of, taunt, expose, sneer at, and demonstrate against and they can't do a damn thing about it. But a threat is a dubious and momentary satisfaction that can result in a world of trouble for you and none whatever for them.

And it can be very, very satisfying to stick it to some real bad guy whilst so scrupulously refraining from threats (and lies, another avoid at all costs) that he can't do anything about it but fume.

Unfortunately, we don't get that satisfaction often enough, because the snooze-alarm public listens to stories about jihadist threats against Americans and Europeans all the live-long day but will not pay attention unless something actually happens. Rock, meet hard place.

Anonymous said...

The wife of the imam who plans to build a mosque near Ground Zero revealed Sunday her family has received death threats.


Pastorius said...

Yes, that's true, Damien. However, we do not have control over the whole population.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't help matters when once respected bloggers turn on counter jihad representatives. Schlussel posted a most disgusting self serving diatribe against Spencer and continues her pathetic jealous revolt against Geller. Undermining this effort only helps the enemy while folks like me loose all respect for those like Johnson and Schlussel.

Pastorius said...

Sadly, I think Debbie Schlussel simply has mental problems.

Alexander Münch said...

AOW was talking of:- “an electronic lynch mob”

Nameless - Faceless - Brainless - Godless - Gutless ---COWARDS !

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

Just to clear things up, I was not implying that we knew if they received death threats or not, if you were under the impression that I was certian they did.

Damien said...


I'm well aware that we don't have control over everyone. I was just leaving a comment expressing how I felt about the matter.

American Rose said...

Frankly, I'm surprised these goons have not met with more threats and assualts in this country. I think we have shown tremendous tolerance toward a people who are brazen in their bloodlust.