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Boehner backs Issa on subpoena promises
House Minority Leader John Boehner threw his full support behind Rep. Darrell Issa's (R-Calif.) plan to bombard the Obama administration with subpoenas if Republicans take back the House in November.
"I think Congress has an appropriate role under the Constitution to provide oversight of the executive branch. And I would pledge that it's going to happen," he told reporters Wednesday.
Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight and Government Committee, has said he'll double the size of his staff if he becomes chairman of the committee next year. He called for an investigation of the Obama administration earlier this year for offering Rep. Joe Sestak an unpaid job if he would drop out of the Democratic primary, and he has promised to investigate the White House in search of similar controversies.
A Chairman Issa would prove a huge headache for Obama, much as Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) was as the committee's chairman during the Clinton administration. Burton issued 1,052 subpoenas to the White House and other Democrats from 1997 to 2002.
This is INEXCUSABLE, and considering the real everyday problems we face this descent into worse partisanship reveals the clear evidence that Boehner is NOT FIT to be speaker. And now if the polls hold up the republican members of Congress need to act accordingly.
Anyone here think for a second this would have happened between people like Everett Dirksen and Lyndon Johnson?
Sam Rayburn and Gerold Ford?
No matter how cynical I am, I am just not cynical enough.
This is WHY there is a Tea Party movement
Solve problems, Republicans.
Solve them or DISSOLVE
I'm behind Boehner and Issa 100%. One of our biggest problems which need to be addressed is the flagrant violation of the public trust by the Man-Child and his cohorts. I firmly believe that a lot of dirty shit is being swept aside by the demonrats. While I'm against frivolous investigations, real violations should definitely be looked into like WHERE THE F*CK did all that stimulus cash go???? I haven't heard even a lie explaining that yet.
This is going to turn into another round of stupid wastes of time, resources, and
Once this starts, it's going to end up with scores of republican staffers and investigators at the Marriott in Kauai etc doing hunts for missing birth certificates until it provides fuel for the next go round when the dems have the majority.
At it's ABSOLUTE worst it won't even approach a fraction of a percentage point of our children's vanished stinkulous money.
Regardless of time or money, true justice should be pursued PERIOD.
Also as I said above, I've yet to hear even a decent LIE explaining where that cash went.
I'm w/Epa on this.
Timelines not exact but do notice that they get closer together between hissy-fits.
1972-Dems go after Nixon. Reps are pissed and looking for blood. Tit for tat.
1996-Reps go after Clinton. Dems are pissed and looking for blood.
2003-Dems start rumbling about Bush.
2010-Reps start rumbling about Odama.
They will be like the Hatfields and McCoys and never stop.
The Reps need to get in there, just do there job and legislatively reverse all of Odama's stupid US crashing policies and cut back on the Federal gov't and the intrusion into every facet of our lives and return us to some semblance of a free society.
At this point, this kind of crap is the political equivalent to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. We've got to alter course quickly or we're toast.
Sorry but I believe your arguments are a type of moral equivalence. The size and scope of the current administrations violations overshadow all others.
If they don't investigate I will be appalled and outraged.
How long is prosecution going to take? 1yr? 3yrs? 5yrs? We don't have that much time as a nation. We're deficit spending at 12% GDP, most nations go TU at 10% for a couple of years and we're 12% for 2yrs. Our interest payments will be 100% of all income tax revenue if the interest rate goes to 5%. Untouchable entitlements already take up 100% of tax revenue, we borrow to do everything else.
We have no energy policy. We have no policy that will improve education. We have no policy to bring about/in jobs. We have just enough food stored to make one loaf of bread per US resident.
IF we put every asphole who got us into this mess in jail, it will not create one job, increase energy or feed starving people. But hallelujah, day-yam! We'll have showed them.
As an aside, do you have enough ammo/food to fight out/live thru the riots that WILL take place when the first black POTUS is impeached/jailed?
I don't.
Vengeance can wait for a better day.
When the house is on fire, you get everybody out first and then put the fire out, then look for the idiot that started the fire.
If we start out looking for the idiot, there won't be a country left when we find him.
Our nation is at the 'event horizon' about to be sucked into a blackhole.
First save the nation, then prosecute the bastages. They'll keep. The Nation won't.
First of I'm not talking about vengeance, I'm talking about accountability and justice here.
Second, If you want to solve a problem, go for the root cause. Much of the root cause for our economical problems is politicians doing whatever they like without a fear of being brought to task.
Once again I repeat that I still haven't even heard a decent LIE about where all the stinkulous money went.
We're supposed to let crap like the New Black Panthers and Acorn just be swept under the rug??? WTF!
New Black Panthers crosses the line into what I think the VOTING PUBLIC recognizes as intolerable.
But, they are off the hook because of double jeopardy.
Who gets shafted? Think we can prove a conspiracy in the justice department? Is a belief that black people CANNOT be racist because they do not have power, and thus cannot be morally charged ILLEGAL?
I'd simply make it known that if a republican pres gets elected, all invovled in that decision are toast, either by termination, or assignment to Vermillion, SD US Atty office. They can teach part time at the U.
This is no moral equivalence, this is doing what works, and making the national economy THE PRIORITY.
Do I have to quote ole snakehead?
If it can be shown that Obama was involved in the Black Panther decision, or in the purposeful decision to close down car dealerships as a political maneuver, then I think he ought to be impeached.
Issa is playing small potatoes, in my opinion, and it does smack of political opportunism and fakery.
There are bigger problems in this country.
I agree Sestak was offered the job as a payoff. But, how are you going to prove it?
And, I'm with Sameno and Epa in being tired of all this.
The impeachment of Clinton over lying about a blow job was an American low.
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