Sunday, October 17, 2010

post office issues a stamp commemorating Islam??!!

us post office commemorating islam?

post office commemorating islam

Eid. This image is a larger version than the image with the same alt attribute on the previous page.

do they even know what the arabic lettering says? as far as we know it says death to all unbelievers.

in my opinion this is like commemorating nazism or communism. it is a political and social group trying to dominate the world and enslave everyone to its rules. it murders anyone who speaks out against it or resists its authority. it has a veneer of religion overlayed atop but it is a political cult


revereridesagain said...

They've been issuing that stamp (or one virtually identical) since before 9/11/01. A few weeks after the massacre I was in line at the PO and some damn fool richbitch woman said "Ohhhh! They aren't doing a Muslim stamp this year!"

There was a moment's pregnant pause, followed by "Ain't that too damned bad!" from me.

Sadly, no one else chimed in. And we lost 3 people from my town.

LL said...

I think it means, "In the Name of Oz, the Great and Powerful..."

Damien said...


I guess if you want, you could do the research and find out what it actually says.

Anonymous said...

learn something new everyday... sometimes you just dont like what you learn.

didnt know they were doing this for so long.

as far as researching it, well its probably an inigma wrapped in taqyia, coated in moderate islam....

Epaminondas said...

Is there a WTC stamp?

Anonymous said...

The Arabic reads: "Eid Mubabark" which loosely translated means "Happy Eid" or "Congratulations on the coming of Eid". That's alright but God-forbid if you said "Merry Christmas" to someone.