Sunday, October 03, 2010

Report: U.S. Intel Believes al-Qaeda Teams Have Selected Targets Across Europe, Ready to Strike…

Click on the title to read the whole story at Weasel Zippers.


revereridesagain said...

This may be another false alarm, or may have already been disrupted. But it goes without saying that if they pull something like this off it will at least momentarily get the attention of those who have been trying to pretend that "we need not fear Islam". We must seize every opportunity to get those who are willing to stop listening to Christine Imanwhore and her ilk long enough to go learn the facts.

Not a good way for anyone to have to learn this, but I think we've all known for a while that nothing less is going to make some of these people pay attention.

Of course if OBL is involved then Zero will use that to narrow the focus to al Qaeda, blather about "moderate muslims", threaten to punish anyone who even gives on the Cold Hard Stare, blow up a lot of stuff in Afghanistan and probably Pakistan and generally try to turn it to the wrong advantage.

Unknown said...

Hi Guys.
This here i have doubts about ,it seems to me to arrive at a too convenient moment just before the midterm elections,and statements like "The US can absorb an other terrorist attack" don't make this feeling go away.The so called"October Surprise"may be lurking around the corner.It looks like the "Dear leader" is firmly in control attacking the evil terrorists in their Pakistani hideout.Meanwhile nobody talks about the hostilities in Iraq the Continuing war under a new name"A New Dawn" and Afghanistan dealing with the Taliban behind the curtains

Anonymous said...