Friday, October 08, 2010

Stealth socialism: Obama’s past as the key to his plans for our future

From PJM:

For several years now, the distinguished journalist Stanley Kurtz has been endeavoring to answer a simple question: Who is Barack Obama? It is not an easy question to answer.
Back in August of ’08 when Obamamania swept the country, Mr. Kurtz waspatiently looking into the murky abyss that is the history and background of our 44th president. The chap who during the campaign presented himself as a “post-partisan,” “post-racial” uniter of America was, when you scratched the surface, pretty much what Winston Churchill said of Russia in the 1930s: a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. What, after all, did we really know about this freshman senator from Illinois? His upbringing was — was what? We don’t know much about the who, what, where, or when, do we? A Kenyan father and American mother. Some years in Indonesia. And what about his education? We have the place names: Occidental, Columbia, Harvard: but what did he study, how did he do? We don’t really know, do we? Later on? We know that he began his political career in the living room of that “just a guy in the neighborhood” domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers. We know that he was a faithful congregant  and financial supporter of Jeremiah “God Damn America” Wright. But somehow that wasn’t relevant to the mass hysteria that catapulted this greenest (in two senses of that much-abused word) of politicians into the Oval Office.
One thing we do know about this international man of mystery is that he stood before his acolytes at the end of October 2008 and told them they were on the verge of “fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” As I’ve previously had occasion to observe in this space, this was no hustings hyperbole: it was, depending on your point of view, an earnest promise or  an earnest threat. The last 19 months, in any event, have demonstrated that fundamentally transforming the United States of America has been an ambition that Obama has struggled mightily to fulfill.
It is still — just barely, but still — too early to say with certainty how successful Obama has been at dismantling the old America and replacing it with the new, greener, less assertive, much poorer, and much more regulated and conformist America of his dreams. The full damage report may be sharply revised come November.  But for anyone seeking to understand what manner of beast we are conjuring with in Obama, Stanley Kurtz’s new book Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism is essential reading. The book, which will be officially published October 19, is  a meticulous work of political archeology, an excavation of Obama’s radical roots and socialist affiliations, from ACORN to the United Neighborhood Organization in Chicago.
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1 comment:

Epaminondas said...

I totally disagree with Kurtz.

We knew ALL we needed to know.

Few wanted to BELIEVE what our eyes read, and his history COMPELLED.


The real story is how America FOOLED itself.

But we may be 3 weeks from fundamentally transforming the attempted fundamental transforming.

HIGH COLONIC ENROUTE (Insh'allah, eh?)