Sunday, October 03, 2010

Supremes get case against ‘putative’ President Obama Petition: ‘There exists possibility that he could be an illegal alien’

A petition for writ of certiorari has been filed with the high court in the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision to uphold the dismissal of a case brought by attorney Mario Apuzzo on behalf of Charles F. Kerchner Jr., Lowell T. Patterson, Darrell James Lenormand and Donald H. Nelsen Jr.Named as defendants are Barack Hussein Obama II, the U.S., Congress, the Senate, the House of Representatives, former Vice President Dick Cheney and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The case alleges Congress failed to follow the Constitution, which “provides that Congress must fully qualify the candidate ‘elected’ by the Electoral College Electors.”The trial court rejected the case based on issues of “standing” and never addressed the core issues presented. The appellate court did the same.

Now Apuzzo has escalated the issue to the highest court in the land, suggesting that “the constitutional issue … cannot be decided by the political parties and a voting majority. Our nation is ultimately guided by the Constitution and the rule of law, not by majority rule. Allowing the political parties and the voting majorities to decide constitutional issues would be tantamount to amending the Constitution without going through the amendment process prescribed by Article V of the Constitution and abandoning the basic principles of republican government.”

In an announcement about the filing, Apuzzo said Obama not only has not proven, as required under the Constitution, his status as a “natural born citizen,” but “he has hidden all his early life records including his original long-form birth certificate, early school records, college records, travel and passport records needed to prove he is even a born citizen of the United States.

His case argues, essentially, that even if Obama was born in Hawaii as he claims, he still fails to reach the Constitution’s mandated eligibility requirement. And it could be even worse.“

Surely the Constitution would not leave someone like the petitioners without any remedy to protect the same rights which the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution recognize as their unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property,” the petition states.The petition explains the nation’s Founders required the “natural born citizen” status “to provide a ‘strong check’ on foreign influence making its way into our government and specifically in the office of president and commander in chief of the military.”The Supreme Court previously has rejected out of hand a series of filings regarding Obama’s eligibility, but most of them were filed under an “emergency” procedure that approached the high court before having worked their way through the trial court and appellate court processes. There was no immediate word whether the Supreme Court would accept the Kerchner case.The petition also seeks the recusal of justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, who have been appointed by Obama, as having potential conflicts since Obama’s eligibility ultimately could impact their own jobs.Justice Clarence Thomas, in an appearance before Congress, previously said the court has been “evading” the Obama eligibility issue.I salute the defendants! Read the full story here.Click here for comments.


Christine said...

Woohoo! It's about time some common sense, rule of law and our constitution has been brought to this issue.

Nothing to hide? Show it!

Anonymous said...

It's going be great fun watching all those sanctimonious "birther" bashers - especially in the MSM, munching burnt crow and pretending like they knew it all along but didn't want to come across as nutty conspiracy theorists or worse, waaaysist. You spin me right round, baby right round, like a record baby, right round, round, round.

Anonymous said...

every Tea Party'r needs to read....
Editorial Reviews Product Description- Americans have always put the past to political ends. . This book tells the story of the centuries-long struggle over the meaning of the nation's founding, including the battle waged by the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, and evangelical Christians to "take back America."

Jill Lepore, Harvard historian and New Yorker staff writer, offers a wry and bemused look at American history according to the far right, from the "rant heard round the world," which launched the Tea Party, to the Texas School Board's adoption of a social-studies curriculum that teaches that the United States was established as a Christian nation. Along the way, she provides rare insight into the eighteenth-century struggle for independence--the real one, that is. Lepore traces the roots of the far right's reactionary history to the bicentennial in the 1970s, when no one could agree on what story a divided nation should tell about its unruly beginnings. Behind the Tea Party's Revolution, she argues, lies a nostalgic and even heartbreaking yearning for an imagined past--a time less troubled by ambiguity, strife, and uncertainty--a yearning for an America that never was.

The Whites of Their Eyes reveals that the far right has embraced a narrative about America's founding that is not only a fable but is also, finally, a variety of fundamentalism--anti-intellectual, antihistorical, and dangerously antipluralist.

"Jill Lepore is a national treasure. There is no other writer so at home both as a trenchant scholar of American history and as an on-the-scene observer of our present-day follies. She etches the connection between past and present with a wisdom, grace, and sparkle that makes this book even harder to put down--if that's possible--than her previous work."--Adam Hochschild, author of Bury the Chains: Prophets and Rebels in the Fight to Free an Empire's Slaves

"No one writes about our Revolutionary history and its effects upon the shape of our culture and society today with more wit, verve, and sparkling intelligence than Jill Lepore. The Whites of Their Eyes offers the most compelling look we have so far at who we were and who we have become as a nation, and provides a cool and much needed context for the heated rhetoric of this 'new' reactionary moment."--Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Alphonse Fletcher University Professor, Harvard University

"The Whites of Their Eyes shows Jill Lepore at her remarkable best--accessible, authoritative, and wise."--Jeffrey Toobin, author of The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court

"Modern Tea Partiers have thrown facts overboard and recast the Revolution in their own image: white, Christian, and ultraconservative. Lepore demolishes the Tea Party's founding fable with deep scholarship and devastating wit."--Tony Horwitz, author of Confederates in the Attic

"The Whites of Their Eyes offers a lesson in what history actually is and how it seems constantly to be used and abused. Lepore is a superb writer."--Eric Foner, author of Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877

"This book gives an informed account of the ways contemporary references to the Revolution ignore, distort, run roughshod over, yet somehow attempt seriously to evoke the events of the past. It nicely represents Lepore's distinctive genius as a historian."--Jack N. Rakove, author of Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution...snip"

yes, they most certianly were of the Christian persuation.. but the vast majority of the Colonists came for "FREEDON FROM RELIGION".!!

cjk said...

Sounds like some first rate lefty historical revisionism. :(