Saturday, October 16, 2010

There is no reason a self professed bearded Marxist professor should be leading a conservative candidate by double digits in America. There is no reason a hissy throwing write in candidate should be within a point of the duly elected Republican candidate in America.

But they are. Had the NRSC and people like Rove and Krauthammer thrown their considerable weight behind these people when they won their primaries they would not be in such difficult races. Either that or at least kept their fucking mouths shut.

But what things like this continue to show us is there is really very little daylight between the official parties. Sure they'll tell us they want to change things again, but will they? Or is their primary goal and mission simply to get elected? Simply to either take or hold power?

Because that is not in the interest of The American People or America herself. That is their own self serving interest.

So I say don't support the party, support the candidate, with time or treasure. Fuck the parties.

Neither of them deserve the clout they have.

Not in America.

Director Blue:

The NRSC is officially an anachronism

The National Republican Senatorial Committee lost its way long ago. Its leader John Cornyn, admirable in many respects, appears to have lost his bearings. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, likewise, has a broken rudder.

Consider: despite the tens of millions of grassroots voices begging for adherence to the Constitution, the NRSC missed the memo.

The American people are rising up. They are rebelling against the counter-revolution which is destroying the foundations of our country.

The Tea Party movement is converting Democrats and independents into advocates for limited, fiscally responsible government. It has supercharged the Republican Party by spurning the unprincipled false moderation of "going along to get along".

Yet in spite of this tidal wave, the NRSC supported the abysmal Charlie Crist. The pathetic Mike Castle. The egregious Lisa Murkowski. In race after race, the NRSC backed the wrong horse. The weak horse.

And what did those horses do after their ignominious defeats? Instead of exhibiting class, they turned tail from the GOP and -- essentially -- transformed themselves into weak-kneed Marxist Democrats.

That's the NRSC's wisdom in a nutshell.

Don't give a dime to the NRSC. Instead, please contribute directly to the candidates that desperately need your support in these, the waning days of the most important election of your lifetime.

• Joe Miller
• Christine O'Donnell
• Sharron Angle
• Marco Rubio

Drop a few bucks on 'em.

How great would it be to wake up the day after election day and hear that a bevy of Constitutional conservatives are joining Jim DeMint in the Senate.

How great would that be?

Oh, and Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn: I'm not sure you can get with the program.

Prove me wrong. And, if you can't grok the oh-so-hard agenda of limited, Constitutional government, we're going to primary your asses in 2014.

Oh, and that's not a promise. That's as certain as gravity.

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