Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Thugs in UK Threatening Violent Response 

to Peaceful Protest

Bilal, over at Revolution Muslim, is making threats of physical violence against peaceful protesters.
I keep hearing that the English Defense League is made up of a bunch of thugs bent on violence. But the way Bilal tells it, whenever Muslims confront them looking for a fight the EDL "thugs" run away.
Bilal over at Revolution Muslim claims that the EDL "attacked" a sister. He's just responding to this report from Daw'ud Abu Abdillah Al-Injaliziy who runs a blog he calls "The Islamic Standard" (as if it was real news). But by being "attacked" we learn that an EDL member just confronted her. No physical violence.
This would be the same guy (pictured above) that routinely preaches on the streets that Jesus was a Muslim and that radical Islam is the way to go. I'm assuming he preaches this not to Muslims, but to Christians? And, as pictured above, he preaches this same message to women.
I guess he's "assaulting" them by his own definition of what "assault" means.
Buti if that hypocrisy isn't enough, on cue, Bilal from Revolution Muslim calls for physical violence in response to verbal disagreements:
The EDL are cowards with a total of half a brain cell between all of them. All they can do is hurl abuse from a distance while drunk when in numbers. If they're faced by numbers (still less in number than them, but who are up for a fight), they run every time. I've witnessed this first hand three times so far.
Hmmm, is Bilal admitting that he's tried to start fights with the EDL members? Sounds like it to me. And over what? Words.

But it gets worse. It sounds to me like he's trying to put together a gang to confront the EDL next week:
Brothers, you say you are men. Perhaps it's time you prove that by stepping up to the plate in Leicester next Saturday October 9th andphysically protecting the honour and sanctity of Islaam and Muslims.
Sounds like a threat to me.

It's actually worse than that as the not-so-subtle codetalking of the post seems to be that those who insult a Muslim woman should be killed.

Click on the title to read the whole thing at Jawa.

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