Sunday, October 03, 2010

West warned -Turkey could NOW leak to Iran and Syria...DUH

Gee and Pakistan is our great ally as well !

"With a dramatic shift in its political orientation, and increasingly close ties to Hamas, Hizbullah, and Iran, Turkey has the potential to cause great damage to American regional interests and even forestall possible military action."

  • Task: President, Hudson Institute

    WASHINGTON -- Turkey could decide to share NATO intelligence with Iran and Syria, a leading analyst said.

    Herbert London, president of the Hudson Institute, said Turkey's intelligence community has become a major participant in Ankara's strategic alliance with Iran and Syria. London said Turkish intelligence, amid increasing concern by Congress, was undermining the military's relationship with NATO and other pro-Western allies.

    "The [U.S. President Barack] Obama team clearly does not want to jeopardize its alliance with Turkey, but it is also clear that Turkish intelligence services are working overtime to separate its military from Israel and former allies in the West," London said.

    In an analysis for Hudson, regarded as close to the Defense Department, London reported increasing concern over Turkey's move away from the West. He said Ankara could relay vital classified data to Iran and its proxies in the Levant.

    "From the U.S. perspective, a key concern is whether these moves lead to the sharing of information with our enemies, information that could undermine any action against Iran, Syria, Hamas, and Hizbullah," London said.

    At this point, the Hudson analysis said, the administration of President Barack Obama, has done little to stop Turkey's turn toward Iran and Syria. London pointed to White House silence over the arrest of hundreds of pro-Western military and security officers deemed intent on keeping Turkey a secular state.

    "Whatever the U.S. motive, it is clear that Turkey, as a NATO member, has access to a wide array of American military technology that could reveal our aims to adversaries in the Middle East," London said. "With a dramatic shift in its political orientation, and increasingly close ties to Hamas, Hizbullah, and Iran, Turkey has the potential to cause great damage to American regional interests and even forestall possible military action."

    So what are we doing about it? Hello?

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    Unknown said...

    Has he been reading our blogs and got a "Devine" inspiration?hahahaha

    Silverfiddle said...

    This is one of those weird and rare occasions where the Europeans were right: Turkey does not belong in the club.

    They've been drifting to the east for years. Time to cut them loose so they can realize their dreams of once again ruling the crap-heap know as the middle east.

    The Ottomans did a pretty good job of keeping the murderous lunatics in line last time they ruled the roost.

    They wanna be King $h*t of Turd Mountain, I say let them go for it!

    cjk said...

    The Ottomans themselves were the worst of the 'murderous lunatics'

    Silverfiddle said...

    cjk: Precisely my point. I don't care how the people in that hateful cauldron treat one another. I don't care about their lack of freedoms or their women. We need to get the hell out of that medieval torture chamber and leave them to their own depredations. History shows that when foreigners are gone they go to killing each other.

    If we could talk our own stupid government and our Western "allies" into ditching the idiotic immigration policies that let these animals into the confines of civilization, their ability to do us harm would be greatly reduced.

    Epaminondas said...

    That angle is dead,SF.
    As long we have McD's, KFC, Gap, Levi's and they want to sell there, then the Wahabbi/Shia gintsu wielder's will come in touch with us, and it's too late anyway .. they have identified correctly that it's probably IMPOSSIBLE for them to share the world with those who believe they and not god is sovereign.

    The only way out is forward

    Silverfiddle said...

    All I can say is whatever we tolerate we get more of