Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Which would cause you to support a war with Iran?

Only if Iran attacks U.S. soil: 26 percent
•If Iran attacks the U.S. fleet: 28 percent
•If Iran tests a nuclear bomb: 13 percent
•If Iran attacks Israel: 15 percent
•Nothing: 18 percent

Well, while muslims in India are running around with plutonium and Obama says we can absorb a nuke America is trying hard to become irrelevant. If this poll be true (it's CBS sooooo. . .) Israel and the U.S. are just about fucked. . .

. . .by our own fellow citizens.

Obama must be getting the message through.

Arutz Sheva:

CBS Poll: Israel Can’t Count on US Public If Iran Attacks

by Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu

Israel would find itself without widespread support from the American public for United States reprisals against Iran if Tehran attacks the Jewish State, according to a new CBS poll.

The survey gave respondents several options on which actions by Iran would justify an American attack. Three-quarters of the respondents would support an American attack on the Islamic Republic under various circumstances, but 25 percent rejected any attack--even if Iran were to strike on American soil.

Only 15 percent of the respondents would support an American counter-attack if Iran were to limit its attack to Israel, although another 13 percent said that the United States should attack Iran if it conducts a nuclear weapons test. Presumably, some or all of the same 13 percent might also back a strike if Israel were attacked, bringing the theoretical total to 28 percent.

Approximately 25 percent would support American retaliation if the Islamic Republic were to strike on American soil, and a similar number said an attack on the U.S.fleet in the Persian Gulf, where approximately half of the world’s oil and gas supplies flow, would be enough to justify reprisals.

The results of the poll by CBS' 60 Minutes program and Vanity Fair magazine showed surprising anti-war sentiment. Nearly a quarter of the respondents said they “would never support" a war with Iran.

The poll is particularly significant because the Congressional midterm elections are only four weeks away, and President Barack Obama is struggling to fight off what the polls show will be a severe voter rebellion against his Democratic party.

Surveys have shown that voters are concerned with domestic issues, particularly health and the economy, and have little interest in Israeli affairs and the Iranian nuclear threat. President Obama’s new appointment of White House Chief of Staff Peter Rouse, replacing Rahm Emanuel, reflects a strategy to focus less on foreign policy issues.
The CBS poll also covered the Ground Zero Mosque, and 63 percent said they agree with opponents to the planned Muslim religious community center near Ground Zero. Only 30 percent expressed backing for the developers of the project.

Following are the results of the poll on Iran:

Which would cause you to support a war with Iran?

•Only if Iran attacks U.S. soil: 26 percent
•If Iran attacks the U.S. fleet: 28 percent
•If Iran tests a nuclear bomb: 13 percent
•If Iran attacks Israel: 15 percent
•Nothing: 18 percent


Pastorius said...

"I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and I will curse those who curse you."

abdooss said...

I support motion to defend Israel from any attack, from anywhere. My favourite Grandmaster of Chess, Boris Gelfand, lives there. I also hope Palestine won't be attack by whoever.

Iran; that's a different story. Is there anyone with enough guts to launch the nuke missile to Iran? No, not mocking you guys again. Just curious to see what will happen next..

Christine said...

To me, the most disturbing part of that poll is the 26% support if we are attacked.

So, nearly 75% of the country would do nothing if we had another Pearl Harbor.

That is why we are in trouble.

Jason Pappas said...

It's hard to know what people were thinking when they were asked this question.

What kind of attack? What kind of war?

Iran has already attacked Israel via proxies. Iran has seized British ships in the Persian gulf.

There are responses, even with force, that fall short of war in the event of a minor skirmish.

What kind of war? Retaliate? Or build them a paradise to make it better for them? Thanks to Bush's nations-building, so-called war has gotten a bad name.

Before Pearl Harbor the vast majority wanted to stay out of the war in Europe even though our allies were attacked and some were conquered. The public changed their attitude rather quickly.

Our Malay cowboy can't wait to nuke 'em. Slow down Abdooss, there are many things to try before the big one. Let's hope we all get lucky and the Iranian young get their way and kick the old guard out. We may not have to fire a single shot.

revereridesagain said...

Read Churchill on the walkup to WWII. Except for the French, who did try to prepare themselves against mounting pressure to disarm, as the German rearmament progressed so did the willful blindness of most of Europe and of America. But as Churchill notes, buildups take a long time but wars start fast. One day everything is speculation, then the news comes of the Polish invasion or Pearl Harbor and there you are. It may not be Iran in our case. But some time in the next few years either something must galvanize the West to stand against Islam, or we wind up in the tar pit.

Epaminondas said...

"Israel Can’t Count on US Public If Iran Attacks" DUH!

Here is the ultimate truth of history:

"Israel/Jews Can’t Count on ANYONE, or ANYTHING, EVER, except that THEY will be the target because they are STILL jews"

Those from whom Israel/Jews gets help will ALWAYS be the exception, and will ALWAYS be punished for it

Those are facts of history, and are reflected today