Sunday, June 05, 2011

An Endless Orgy In Heaven

Or, Why So Many Idiots Believe Islam Is Truth

A Reluctant Mind

From Good Shit: 
The heavenly orgy

This heavenly orgy fantasy ….

…. was brought to you by a maulana near you.

Being a woman, I was never subjected to a Friday sermon (women don’t go to masjids in South Asians countries like Pakistan, India and Bangladesh). I have heard many a tales about the kind of hate mongering, violent and misogynist sermons that do rounds in mosques across the country every Friday, but four days back, a friend emailed me the link of one such discourse with the subject line “WTF speech of the millennium” and then I was inundated with the same link on facebook and my inbox.

This video titled, Jannat ki Hoor (heavenly creatures provided as companions for pious Muslim men – sorry, no hooris for non-Muslim man, no matter how virtuous you are), is an interesting commentary on our society. For starters, the maulana, who goes by the name Mairaj Rabbani and is part of Ahl-e-hadees group, thinks all women are low level dirty whores (his exact words are dirty, filthy, worthless and prostitute) and they are only good for providing men with a few seconds of pleasure. He thinks that good Muslim men should not waste themselves on earthly creatures such as women as all of them are soiled bitches. They should wait to get into heaven where they will get multiple partners who will wear see through clothes and entice and then satisfy their lust like there is no tomorrow. Technically it is wrong as there would be an endless stream of tomorrows in the eternity, but I digress.

This maulana wants to make sure that his congregation “gets” it, so he elaborates in great detail that Muslim men will not only get to kiss and cuddle them, they will actually get to experience hardcore action that goes on and on and on … for forever. When they will be done with one Hoor, another one, even more beautiful and voluptuous than the first one, would come and demand some action. Raise your hand if you too think it is taken from one of the millions of porn movies where hot women go after ugly men and say that want more and more and more! Maulana sahib’s porn fantasies are filled with heavenly playmates with awful taste in men.
Maulana sahib is actually quite smart. He knows that he has captive audience as long as he turns the sermon into a soft porn delight. In a deeply segregated society like Pakistan, such misogynist perversions actually form the basis of inter gender relationships. What we take from this video is: all men are supreme beings, women are filthy and not worth the time, piety is only good to get you laid in the afterlife and repeated use of the word istemal indicates that women will continue to being used as commodities in the paradise. If maulana sahib is ever in the market for a change of employment, he will be the toast of the desi adult film industry



cjk said...

Their center point is that you get 72 virgins in heaven. Think about it for 10 minutes and that alone disqualifies Mohammedanism from being anything sane or spiritual.
Their hymens grow anew! Not impressed; WTF! What about their minds?
After living around women my whole life like just about every other normal man, I can assure everyone that women are just as human as men are. No exceptions, no qualifiers, no fu*ken nothing! 100% human as much as any man I've ever met. No sane argument here.
Either these 'virgin' things aren't human or they get a wicked case of amnesia every morning.
This shit is so silly it would be amusing if they weren't trying to enslave or kill everyone over it.

Anonymous said...

islam is crap!

Anonymous said...

«72 virgins»

72 butch-gay virgins

muslims will be eunuchs!