Thursday, June 09, 2011

Guaranteed To Make You Smile

The antics of Kona, Brooke's pit bull:


Brooke said...

I do like the part where she bumps the food container with her nose. :)

midnight rider said...

Turn that pup into a Jack Russell and you have our Murphy.

He'll bump you with his nose when he wants attention, to go outside or play ball (ALL the time if you let him).

Sits down in front of me when I'm watching a movie, looks at the bean bag chair, then at his blanket, then at me, bean bag chair, blanket, me repeats until I take the bean bag chair down and put his blanket on it so HE can watch the movie too.

But he won't take food, even steak, from the table or your hand unless you tell him okay. ALthough he will sit there and whimper until you say okay.