Jean-Paul Sartre, In His Own Words
From Good Shit:
According to just released interviews, the famed existentialist and leftist activist was also a foul-mouthed taker of hard drugs who underestimated Hitler, insulted his French colleagues (and lovers) and praised international terrorism.
No way! Really? And, he seemed like such a nice guy.

John Gerassi, Jean-Paul Sartre’s only official biographer, is one of the lucky few to have spent hundreds of hours in the company of the French philosopher. He recently published a 500-page-book full of interviews conducted between 1970 and 1974. Here are a few excerpts:
No way! Really? And, he seemed like such a nice guy.

John Gerassi, Jean-Paul Sartre’s only official biographer, is one of the lucky few to have spent hundreds of hours in the company of the French philosopher. He recently published a 500-page-book full of interviews conducted between 1970 and 1974. Here are a few excerpts:
Said Mr. Ghani:
""You are the best of the nations raised up for
(the benefit of)men: you enjoin what is right and
forbid the wrong and believe in Allah." (3:llO)"
Said General George Smith Patton:
"It seems to me a certainty that the fatalistic teachings of Mohammed and the utter degradation of the Arab women are the outstanding causes for the arrested development of the Arab. He is exactly as he was around the year 700, while we have been developing."
I think a cursory review of the state of affairs in Muslim-majority countries is sufficient to convince any neutral observer that General Patton's observation is more accurate than that of the Quran cited by Mr. Ghani.
I removed Mr. Ghani's comment, because it was an advertisement for his site. Not allowed here.
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