Wednesday, June 15, 2011

LAPD deputy chief admits partnering with the Muslim Brotherhood

Deputy Chief Michael Downing believes he is involved in a process of Democratizing Islam. He believes he has partners in this Democratizing process.

He staunchly declares that the mission of Al Qaeda, the establishment of Muslim-domination and Sharia law across the world is impossible.

The question is whether the Muslims he is "partnering" with share his opinion. I seriously doubt it.

These Stealth Jihadists of the ISNA, the MSA, and the ICSC, are playing a game of chess, and they are willing to wait a long time to lull people like Michael Downing into a complacency, in which dazzled by the unfolding of their own strategy, people like Michael Downing will find themselves Checkmated.

The problem, of course, is people like Michael Downing are our leaders at this point.

Such leaders would be wise to listen to our enemies, when they say things like this:

U.K.: Islamic hate preacher says government wants "to create a docile brand of Islam but it is not going to happen"


ronmorgen said...

Yes, that is the problem, our leaders, but the people voted them into office, so they are also our problem . People the propaganda machine has brainwashed.

Damien said...


What do they expect when they keep given into these fanatics.

Damien said...


By the way, these guys really need to get kicked out of office. They are dangerously naive.

Pastorius said...

I think they believe they are executing a profound strategy based upon the idea of Freedom and the American Tradition.

I think he is a patriot, albeit, a naive patriot.

I think the problem here revolves around a question of tolerating the intolerant.

Anonymous said...

It's not just the LAPD . . .via Walid Shoebat examination of Arab media:
Another investigation by The Walid Shoebat Foundation. We have been gleaning of the Arabic Media and we have now exposed Anthony Weiner's wife troubling connections to the Muslim Brotherhood along with other "advisors;" no wonder why the USA is accepting of the Muslim Botherhood as a body we can do business as we have Muslim Botherhood operatives advising our key leaders in all areas of counter terror and foreign policy.

Anyone who has an ounce of common sense and has reviewed the evidence who and what the Muslim Botherhood is, can only come to one conclusion and that it is they wish Islam to take over the world and make the USA and the whole world Sharia compliant under one Caliphate. Al Qaeda scares you with terror, the Muslim brotherhood uses our own political system to destroy us. Wake up!

Review our research and make up your own mind: