Tuesday, June 14, 2011


christian soldier said...

Bachmann-Bolton or Bolton Bachmann- B-B-
Palin-West -Sec of State-Defense Secretary-
what do you think...

Anonymous said...

It appears the first couple of weeks after announcing, the other GOP candidates have stumbled. Having been premature in my support for Cain and subsequently recognizing his weakness in foreign policy, I'm reserving my enthusiasm for Bachmann until I hear more. Don't misunderstand, I do like her - but I need to hear more.
Should she not stumble, yes, Bolton and West joining her ticket would be tempting. -HRW

Epaminondas said...

She is in all the right places ideologically, and she MIGHT have a small chance if she can SHUT UP on the social conservative 'I will tell you how to live righteously' stuff, and do as Palin did as gov ... 'I have beliefs but will not LEGISLATE THEM, IT'S A PRIVATE MATTER HOW YOU LIVE'.

But she REALLY has a lot to prove in putting the media in their place without losing that battle for the people at the same time. That's just how it is.