Monday, June 13, 2011

There Was Nothing Before Islam

From Will at The Other News:


Anonymous said...

Did Muhammad ever exist?
Tundra Tabloids hosted a couple of short video clips of Robert Spencer ( detailing his doubts about Muhammed’s existence here. Spencer will address this topic in his next book to be released later this year.

Some key points made in the second video clip:

There is no biography of Muhammad written until 150 years after his death…that’s like there being no written biography of Abraham Lincoln until this year. It would probably be full of legendary material.

Even more. The Arabs certainly poured out of Arabia in the 630′s and began conquering the neighboring lands. This is a matter of historical record. However, neither they nor any of their opponents – for sixty years – they never mentioned koran, Mohammed or Islam. They minted coins, made inscriptions yet never mentioned any of this.

Not until the dome of the rock in 691 is there any evidence that Islam makes the statement ‘there’s no god but allah and muhammed is his messenger and his servant.’

The hadith was not even produced until the eighth and ninth century.

Even the dome of the rock inscription, where it says ‘there is no god but allah and muhammad is his messenger and his servant ‘ – 80% of the inscription is really about Jesus and how Jesus is not the son of God but is only the messenger of allah and his servant.

The statement “Muhammad is his messenger and servant” is only mentioned once and gramatically it doesn’t work as a proper name. Gramatically it works as a title, “the praised one”. The remainder of the inscription goes on to explain that Jesus is the messenger of allah and is his servant. The entire inscription is a statement about
Jesus and not muhammad at all. That inscription is the first mention of muhammad. Paramount is the realization that Islam developed FIRST as a political system. The religious aspect developed later to bind the community as a cohesive unit – mimicking the Christian Byzantines and the Zoroastrian Persians. As the Arabs conquered
lands, they realized they didn’t have that cohesive religious component to unify the conquered so they invented one. ..the fiction we currently identify as “Islam”.

Islam is complete fiction . . .dangerous, deadly f-i-c-t-i-o-n

Lan astaslem
لن استسلم‎

cjk said...

Hey Lan, I agree with everything you said and thanks for bringing it up.
If you want even more detail on the non-existence of Mo', check out Craig Win's Profit of Doom website.
Go to the epilogue, it details a lot of what you're talking about.

Now to piss off all the atheists concerning Mohammedanisms destruction of former cultures.
IMO Mohammedanism is the fourth beast empire written about in Daniel chapters 2&7. All the Bible people pretty much agree that the first three empires were in order: The Neo-Babylonian, The Medo-Persian, and the Greeks under Alexander. Now the uniqueness of the fourth: The fourth conquers the whole world, is exceedingly terrible, integrally divided, is different than the three preceding empires, the Anti-Christ arises out of it, and it completely destroys 'stamping the residue with it's feet'.

The video is about that stamping out IMO.