Sunday, June 05, 2011

Why the Open Fuel Standard Act Will Seriously Cripple the Global Jihad

Anne Korin of the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security makes the case for energy security. She outlines a path to foreign oil independence with flex-fuel vehicles running on biofuels, explains why energy security is so vitally important, and answers some of the common objections people have to this idea.

Find out what you can do to help get the Open Fuel Standard Act passed.


ronmorgen said...

You know, that makes somuch sense, that liberals could not understand it. So we must first install a right thinking conservative government.

Citizen Warrior said...

Ron, one of the beautiful things about this particular bill (the Open Fuel Standard Act) is that there are many things about it liberals can love, and also many things about it conservatives can love. I've never seen an issue quite like it.

We do not have to wait for a conservative government to pass this bill. Already there are more Democrats co-sponsoring it than Republicans!