Thursday, August 04, 2011

Answer In The Form of a Question, Please

Ok, What is a Ponzi Scheme Propped Up By A Relentless Influx of Immigrants Crashing the Gates at a Rate Too Great To Assimilate, Alex?


Damien said...


I remember hearing a story about why Europe has done so little to make Muslim immigrants assimilate. According to the story, I heard, the leaders of European states wanted to avoid another oil embargo, like there was in the seventies, so they made a deal with Saudi Arabia and perhaps some other Muslim oil exporting countries, that they would put no restrictions on Islamic immigration into their countries, and not push assimilation, so long as they agreed to not cut off their However, until one of us can find a source to back it up, its just a rumor, and may not even be true. Did you hear that story before?

Anyway, even if it were true, it wouldn't explain why the U.S government isn't making a bigger deal out of illegal immigration from Mexico. Although it would help to explain what's going on in Europe. You might want to look into it, to see if you can confirm it.

Pastorius said...

Hi Damien,
That is not just a rumor. It is the idea behind Bat Ye'or's book Eurabia.

The sad thing is, Bat Ye'or offers precious little evidence to back up her claims. And, she is one of the shittiest writers I have ever read.

But, that of course, is beside the point.

The point is, while what she says maybe very well be true, and from the look of it to us on the outside, it certainly appears true, the dots are not connected to prove that theorem , IN MY OPINION.

Other counter-Jihad bloggers would, of course, tell you I am a dim-witted jackass and a traitor for saying that, but that is my opinion.

Pastorius said...

Epa likes Bat Ye'or. Ask him about her.

Damien said...


I don't think I read Bat Ye'or's book, so I don't know how well she backed up her research. However, maybe if one of us, or someone else at the IBA did some independent research, we could confirm or debunk her claim about that Faustian deal Europe's leaders supposedly made. It would definitely help explain much of what's going on over there.

Unknown said...

Hi midnight.
What concerns Germany , France ,Belgium the first immigrants arrived 3 generations ago mostly to carry out work none of the native population was willing to do (For example in the coal mines).After this they just multiplied and reunited their families.

Epaminondas said...

Damien, here's the prob.... when Bat Yeor speaks about certain issues, like the real world dhimmi status of non muslims in muslim lands, she speaks as an expert. When she speaks about the international effects of this, she speaks as an expert as well, and her husband has been a big deal UN refugee status guy too.

But when she writes about eurabia the only proof there is, is the empiric results. Really.

We know that the euro state's birth rate indicated a dying society which needed new workers to keep the old farts going. We also know that, like the west bank and gaza, the nearby muslim lands' birth rates were AN ANSWER. But that's a far cry from proving some deal was made. It's a stretch. But it's also a distinction without a difference for the same threats and results obtain.

Pastorius said...

See, I agree with what Epa wrote there.

Now, since he has thrown in his two cents, and I find that I agree with him more than I previously realized, I will tell you what I think of the book Eurabia:

The Eurabia project which the EU, or European Common Market (as it was then known) embarked upon was initiated, according to Ye'or, by a series of international conferences called the Euro-Arab Dialogue.

According to Ye'or, there were no notes taken at these meetings.

Hence all discussions, decisions, and policies implemented are only a guess.

Do I believe there was such a Euro-Arab Dialogue Conference? Yes, I believe it, because I looked it up and found, as I recall, some evidence that it existed.

Was there any evidence that I could find that there were any governmental policy agreements made, and implemented as a result of the Euro-Arab Dialogue?

Not that I could find.

Anonymous said...

Check this link (warning: long read)

Especially note:
"Each side had a certain set of objectives regarding the EAD. The Arabs insisted on the primacy of its political character, while the Europeans emphasized its economic nature. Overall, the Arabs sought to convince the EC to adopt even-handed policies in the region, and sought to gain the European support for the negotiated Arab-Israeli settlement. As a means toward that end, the Arab delegates attempted to secure the European diplomatic recognition of the PLO.

The concept of the EAD also appealed widely to all of the Arab States, rich and poor alike. For the resource-poor Arab States, the EAD was another means by which the European economic aid could be acquired. Qualitative European aid – the transfer of technology, cooperation in the nuclear development, and industrial training – was eagerly sought. In the diplomatic terms, the Arab States of all political persuasions saw in Europe the ‘third alternative’ through which they could gain some measure of support that might not be forthcoming from traditional big-power alliances.

The wealthy Arab States sought to make their huge financial surpluses in Europe secure against such contingencies as the freezing of funds and delays in the remittal of profits and hoped to inhibit the erosion of the value of their investments through some mechanisms that would protect against inflation. For the resource-poor Arab States, the availability of any form of foreign investment – be it the Arab, the European, or both – was of the highest priority.

For the Europeans, the EAD represented a chance to guarantee the continuous flow of petroleum from the Arab world, even at higher prices. Barring the attainment of this goal, the EC Commission would have settled for even an exchange of the information regarding future production and shipments of oil. For the EC, the importance of the oil question gave the EAD its life force. Apart from the question of oil supplies, the EAD was viewed by the Europeans as an important means of reestablishing a sphere of influence in the Arab region. The EC also sought to direct the Arab economic development away from heavy industry or capital-intensive industry and toward the intermediate industries in which the basic division of labour between Europe and the Arab world would be maintained."

Anonymous said...

Further to above post...

Basically selling our souls for oil...... i.e. allowing unlimited import of surplus population in exchange for oil.

Pastorius said...

Thanks, Eliot.