Monday, August 15, 2011

The Four Largest Employers in the World ...

1) People's Liberation Army of China (Government)
2) Wal-Mart (Capitalist Pigs)
3) Indian Railways (Government)
4) National Healthcare Service of the UK (Government)

Now, what lessons can be learned from this?

By the way, the source on this is the NHS website, and this site, which seems to indicate Wal-Mart has moved up in the rankings.

Ron Morgen writes: Why is Walmart a Capitalist Pig? Is it because they are successful or because they employ a lot of people?

I respond: Well, I thought the sarcasm would be obvious. Alas, apparently, it is not.

Of course we live under an avalanche of such rhetoric, so I guess I can understand that some would not get it.

So, just to be clear, the crack about Wal-Mart being a "capitalist pig" corporation: IT WAS SARCASM.


Pastorius said...

I thought the sarcasm would be obvious.

Apparently not.

ronmorgen said...

Really, I knew it was sarcasm. So was mine. I thought it was obvious. Lol

ronmorgen said...

Really, they must be evil because they are a big company.

Pastorius said...

That is funny. Sorry about that.
