Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Long March of the Grand Jihad

A by-product of this toxic concoction of political correctness, fear and ignorance is the insistence by Western pundits and politicians that Islam is a peaceful and tolerant religion; Muslims who are unfaithful to the true meaning of the Qur’an, we are constantly being reminded, are the "problem". This has to be seen in conjunction with strategies like that of the Muslim Brothers that emerged recently during the on-going hearing in Dallas, Texas, against the "Holy Land Foundation", an alleged Hamas front. A secret document (Exhibit No. 003-0085) outlined a full-blown conspiracy by the major Muslim groups in America—all of which are considered "mainstream" by the media:

"The Ikwhan [sic!] must understand that all their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within and sabotaging their miserable house by the hands of the believers, so that it is eliminated and Allah’s religion is made victorious over all religions."

Organisations included in the scope of the Brotherhood’s strategic plan include: Islamic schools, kindergartens, women’s organisations, Islamic banking, publishing and media organisations, interfaith dialogue groups, Islamic courts, political action groups, research centres, a training organisation for female preachers, an association of Muslim lawyers, and many others.

Current Prime Minister Erdogan is on record as stating "We are Sharia-ists"; "We will turn Istanbul into Medina"; "I am the Imam of Istanbul"; "Our only goal is an Islamic State".

[Prime Minister Erdogan was part of the Erbakan political line of Islamist politics at the time when he was the Mayor of Istanbul. These quotations are not proven and denied by Mr Erdogan, who nevertheless, went through a transformation through late 1990’s.



Damien said...


Whats going on all over the world is really scary right now. We better hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. Islamic fundamentalists are in it for the long haul, so we need to be as well. We should never give up, until they are defeated, once and for all, which most likely will not be in our life times, unfortunately.

cjk said...

This is all so simple to those of us who know what their sacred writings teach. To those of us who understand the position of Moe as the perfect example for conduct and know just what his conduct was.

Every Mohammedan apologist does the same job; deception, that's the ONLY way Mohammedanism can be defended before anyone with morals.
I have noticed three common elements in the defense of this Satanic doctrine:

Hide and disguise the salient doctrinal FACT of abrogation and all that it instructs. Chiefly the dominance of the intolerant, violent, Medinan suras over the in FACT meaningless (except for deceptive purposes) Meccan suras.

Always bring up the Biblical verses concerning the Israeli conquest of Caanan which are explained in the Bible itself as God's judgment upon specific people of a specific time and NOT instructions for world conquest and/or enslavement in the name of some demon/Satan. Never the less they insist that there's no difference despite the FACT that the overall gist of the Old Testament as compared to the Queeran are opposites.

Hide just who Moe was and how he really lived. Desperately hide the FACT that he was a murderous, terrorizing, torture instructing, slave trading, sexual pervert.

THEY HAVE TO LIE, therefore I have no respect for any Mohammedan apologist unless I feel they are themselves deceived or ignorant to whatever degree, but those who know are for all intents and purposes, Devil worshipers.