Sunday, August 07, 2011

Obama's Re-Election Prospects

Let me go once again on the record about my estimate of President Obama's re-election prospects: they are as high as they ever were, and I fully expect him to be re-elected.

Doubters may scoff and wonder on what facts, substance, or data I am basing this judgment. The answer: none.

But you are missing the point. Barack Obama was not elected to the Presidency on the basis of any facts, substance, or data in the first place. He was elected to the Presidency because he is a kinda-black skinny guy who looks good in a suit and can mouth 'sonorous' speeches (that people can squint their eyes and tell themselves are kinda like MLK or someone) - if he has a Teleprompter in front of him. All of that remains just as true as it ever was. Thus, there is no logical reason whatsoever why all the people who voted for him last time, shouldn't vote for him next time.

Oh, some of them may express displeasure about him on specific, substantive questions in polls, etc. Sure. But when Election Day rolls around, and those voters who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 go to the ballot box, and they ask themselves 'Is Barack Obama still a suave, skinny kinda-black guy who looks good in a suit and can sonorously read 'inspiring' speeches off a Teleprompter?', they are all going to realize that the answer is a resounding Yes.

Plus, the opponent will have an (R) after his name; can't have that. It's racist.


D Charles QC said...

Until the Republican Party actually gets its' own act together and fixes the schism potential from a radical-right and "sepratist tea-party movement", Obama is actually a walk-in.

That is sad because considering the economics and physical mismanagement (not all his fault though to be fair), almost any OK candidate would win. Mind you, do you want an "OK" President for the next four or eight years?

Anonymous said...

Sad but probably true. Obama will be reelected for just the reasons you mentioned. And they call conservatives mind-numbed robots.... As they faithfully follow their master right off the cliff.