Monday, August 01, 2011

Questions and Answers for People Who Come To This Blog and Argue With Us

We love to argue with you, probably even more than you like to argue, but really, what the fuck?

It seems to me our sidebar answers every question you might put to us.

1) What do we stand for?
The Infidel Bloggers Alliance exists as a reminder to the leaders of the world that we, the people, are
All of us, every single man, woman, and child on the face of the Earth were born with the same inalienable rights; to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And, if the governments of the world can't get that through their thick skulls, then, regime change will be necessary.
What will we do to assert our authority?
I think the basic concepts of Human Rights are embodied in the first few words of the Declaration of Independence. All individuals are born with the right to life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Therefore, we are law-abiding, as long as government is predominantly law-abiding. If you are wondering how we would react if governments were to become predominantly non-law-abiding (a decision the arrival to which would be, frankly, too complex for the minds of the writers here), then I would advise you to consult the George S. Patton video listed below our Twitter feed in our sidebar.
 Why do we fight?
Just look at the babe of the week.
Why do we call ourselves Infidels?
Because Radical Muslims, backed up by verses from the Koran and the Hadith, have labeled anyone who opposes Islam "Infidels". Any opinion a radical Muslim would have is not even worth the shit that is currently putrifying in Allah's mouth. Therefore, we will mock anything they say and do so by throwing the absurd reality of it back in their faces and straight down Mohammed's throat. 
What is it that we oppose in Islam?
Strict Sharia law, which is defined in the Koran and the Hadith, and is the law of the land in multiple Islamic nations, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, Nigeria, the Sudan, and Nigeria. Strict Sharia law calls for the murder of apostates (which means it is against the Freedom of Conscience and the Freedom of Speech), the murder of homosexuals for the "crime" of  homosexuality, the enslavement of women (as women are deemed to be the property of men), and Jihad against the Infidel. We consider any effort, by any Muslim, to advocate for the imposition of such Sharia law, in any Infidel land, to be outright Sedition. As it says in our sidebar, "Sharia is Sedition". Personally, I believe Sedition ought to be punishable by death or deportation to the Sharia shithole of said Sharia-advocate's choice.
Why do we believe that Sharia law and radical Islam are such a sizable problem that we have been willing to spend our lives fighting against it?

  • Game Over, Pew Poll Reveals Majority of Muslims Are Anything But "Moderate"

  • Game Over II: Poll of Egyptians Shows 84% Want Apostates Stoned to Death

  • Game Over III: 78% of British Muslims Want Limits On Free Speech When It Comes To Criticizing Religion

  • What is most laughable about Islam?

    "An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," explained Ayatollah Khomeini. "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam."

    Can we name any peaceful people who agree with us that Radical Islam/Sharia are a major threat to the world at large?
    Why, yes we can. Funny you should ask. For one, there is the incredibly peaceful Bono, singer of the wonderful rock n' roll band U2, who said,
     Is there anything else you should know?
    An Infidel Message
    To Moderate Muslims





    Anonymous said...

    Actually Pasto sharia is there to giude the misguided believer back on the right path with or without missing limbs.

    B. Silver said...

    And thats why i'll read your blog... It should be more of Us! Islam is pure Evil, muslims like a worms, what we do with them, when they come to our gardens? ;) Yes... Just in case ;)
    Greetings from Poland, you have no idea how many people think the same as you. Don't give up! :)

    Pastorius said...

    You're right. I need to add, "Death to the Infidel" to my post.

    Thanks for pointing that out.

    Jason Pappas said...

    That's putting it bluntly ... and I wouldn't have it any other way. There must be new viewers that where wondering.

    midnight rider said...

    Well, I can't speak for anyone else, but personally, I come in here for the whiskey and dark-eyed wimmin.

    Epaminondas said...

    MR is right,

    where u keep wimmin?

    Pastorius said...

    You notice, I informed everyone straight-up, don't ask us when the shooting begins. Cuz, far as I'm concerned, if you ask me, it's every night at closing time.

    B. Silver said...

    Better that they were not just empty words...

    Pastorius said...

    We need better people than MR, Epa, and I to decide when the shooting begins.

    People who take the law into their own hands are, almost without fail, dangerous people.

    But, like I said in this post, if anyone has any questions what we would be willing to do, listen to the Patton video.

    "when you put your hand into a pile of goo that used to be the face of your best friend ... you'll know what to do."

    I don't know about you, but this has not happened to me as of yet.

    And besides, my country and yours are fighting against our enemies.

    We gotta kill that guy Awlaki.

    Epaminondas said...

    Anhelli, I can only shoot BACK.

    It's just that have all these LAWS laying around

    midnight rider said...

    Anhelli -- just curious, how did you happen to stumble into our merry band of misdemeanoring miscreants?

    And thank you for the shout out in your sidebar. But I'd need my grandmother to translate the rest for me.

    Sto lat!

    B. Silver said...

    I agree with you guys in many things, thats all... it's so hard to listen all the time (in place where i live) that we must calm down, everything is ok, wait patiently... for what? Hahah... "your merry band of misdemeanoring miscreants"? -- good one.
    Because i'm untypical girl, my website is mostly about philosophy, not politics, but for many years i interesting muslims problem, after 9/11 - when my friend was killed out there i came a little* prejudiced about islam-scums and thats why i discovered this site.

    So... "Sto lat" you too, friends... See ya later ;)

    Pastorius said...

    You mean Philosophy such as Kant, Aristotle, Plato, Sartre, John Locke, etc.?

    Pastorius said...

    Sorry to hear you lost your friend. Why was she killed?

    B. Silver said...


    Philosophy doesn't consist only of these gentlemen... I prefer Scruton, if you curious ;) Also like St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Augustine... > JPII, Albert Krąpiec... I wrote diploma dissertation from Roger Scruton, comparing conservatism with liberalism years ago ;)

    Ps: i now my language is not perfect, i sound better than write so i hope you're not laugh at me behind your back... :)

    Ps2: My friend died in NY, 9/11 in one of these tower... I know her just from the internet and thats how i found out from her family about it. Thats all.

    Yours sincerely ~

    Pastorius said...

    Laugh at you?

    Heck no.

    I am intrigued and fascinated.

    Pastorius said...

    Wait a minute. I just visited your Profile page and I see you list

    "2083: A European Manifesto" as being among your favorite books.

    For the record, we are NOT supporters of Breivik.

    Did you think we were?

    B. Silver said...


    I'm not a fan of killing if that's what you mean ... I'm reading the text out of curiosity, may I? In many ways i have the same opinion as you, also I am a Christian (mesianic) and when I use a radical point of view, in certain situations, im doing that just to shake the public opinion. Many people in my country have wrong feelings about muslims... Our goverment told them that patriots are nazis, and everything from West are good.

    So... i called things in a proper way, even if it's radical. It's just a profile, you know...

    Ps: Good to know that you treat me serious. Im a normal person, i love books (i read too much perhaps...), but trust me, i have no expectation... i just came by, saw how you write and will be reading this site, i like it, in polish media there is so small information about rest of the world, you have no idea... but, if you think i shouldn't... just tell me... i'll go. :)

    Pastorius said...

    I see what you mean. Breivik's manifesto, of which I have not read much, is filled with the writings of Robert Spencer, Fjordman, Gates of Vienna, Little Green Footballs, and Atlas Shrugs.

    Those websites have, over the years, put out good information, though I don't agree with a lot of the opinions several of them have formed based upon that information.

    The more personal parts of Breivik's manifesto must be something like reading Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky: The tale of a mind as it is breaking down.

    Pastorius said...

    What do you mean when you say you are a Messianic Christian? What do Messianic Christians believe?

    B. Silver said...

    I can only say that I have mixed origins ... I wrote these words in this not other way (on my profil) because they best describes my personality (for me, lol)... But do not look at me as a holy-maniac or something... And by the way... for me, Breivik is just a desperate guy who lives in his own world.
    Were killed so many people... Killing people is wrong, i agree... but i wonder, what muslims do with those who don't want to be converted for Islam? It's theoretic question, because now in our modern world nothing like that didn't happen, or did? but some day (who knows?) when they finish their job?
    Killing people is always wrong, but trust me, muslims shit on it. Thats why -- just in theory -- i agree with some of the words of Breivik manifesto(not all - only in outline).
    Things like -- how he claimed discovered -- multi-culti, communism, blah blah blah, i knew it since i graduated high school.
    I agree that somehow we should expel them out of Europe... If necessary ... we'll do it forcefully. Thats my, private opinion. But like i said once -- unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world.

    See ya' :)