Tuesday, August 02, 2011

The Republican leadership hasn't learned a thing. Nor have their "conservative" cronies.

November taught them NOTHING.

And all the platitudes about the Tea Party being the "real winners" here because they "got the nation talking about the debt problem " is just pissing in the wind. The TRUE Tea Party Conservatives in Congress saw this for what it was and voted against it.

Geithner is spending his inheritance before the fucking body is cold.

Hopefully DeMint and Co. can stop this in the Senate but that doesn't look likely.

Helluva job, Mr. Boehner.

Maybe you should go back to sweeping the barroom.


US borrowing to surge after debt cap raised

The US Treasury said Monday that it will step up borrowing after the debt ceiling is raised, expected this week if a highly contentious legislation crafted over the weekend clears Congress.
In its quarterly funding plans, the Treasury said it expected to issue $331 billion in net debt in the July-September quarter, up from $190 billion in the previous period.

But the third-quarter forecast was $74 billion lower than originally forecast in May.

During October-December, the Treasury will borrow another $285 billion, it said. The projections assume it will have a cash balance of $100 billion at year-end.

The forecast came as Democratic and Republican Party leaders in Congress both strained to get rank-and-file support for a bill on spending cuts that would also raise the country's statutory $14.3 trillion borrowing ceiling, allowing the government to continue to meet its spending commitments.

Since May 16 the Treasury has been operating at the $14.3 trillion level, unable to increase borrowing despite mounting spending pressure.

It has repeatedly warned that if the ceiling is not raised by August 2, the country will have to renege on some commitments, including possibly defaulting on its debt.

But Republicans refused to agree to an increase unless they could get a long-term deficit reduction plan they could agree on, sparking a grinding political battle that was still not resolved Monday afternoon, one day before the deadline.


Epaminondas said...

A drop in the increase of spending is NOT a cut.

There remains no plan.

All the self congratulatory partying is tragicomedy.

The tea party changed the discussion, for sure, but ....

This ENTIRE 'plan' comes down to a committee to take all the risk on themselves and then congress to approve what they say without change, AND when that fails to vote 2/3 for balanced budget amendment and then 38 states legislatures to approve?

In the meantime, does ANYONE ANYWHERE think congress will allow 60% cuts in defense and medicare when they fail to enact committee reccomendations ?

Besides Paul Ryan no one will even bring up any ideas because of shriveled scrotums.

The best outcome would be for S&P and Moody's to drop the USA to Bbb and when it all hits home and no one can afford anything, hire anyone, or leave the house other than to hunt and gather, we galvanize ourselves quickly to action.

This is the biggest frog boil of ALL KNOWN HISTORY

All I can think of is those in 1934 who could see clearly and must have been losing their minds knowing they could see the obvious.

Claudia said...


Anybody knows what has happened to Sheikyermami website?

It says:

Please contact your service provider for more information.

Claudia said...

Off-topic 2: He will be posting here, just in case somebody is interested.

Rebellious Kafir said...

No one wins with this stupid bit of theatrics,the American people lose once again and our President could care less, as long as he makes his birthday party on time. I never thought I would say this, but I've reached that point---the point which makes me realize that there is no way to peacefully resolve the differences between the American people--between those who want to control every aspect of our lives and those who just want to be left the hell alone to live their lives. When the president and vice president openly mock the majority of the American people, there is no hope left for this to end peacefully. None.
Btw, if you get time read this piece by Ann Barnhardt in today's American Thinker http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/08/we_the_stupid.html

christian soldier said...

First rule of lawyer-ing–

I know there are plenty of former lawyers in Congress-did they forget their law school training!!

my post:
Boehner and Rs Failed-