Sunday, August 07, 2011


Sudan has blocked an oil shipment from the new state of South Sudan, accusing it of failing to pay customs duties.
The oil was being held at the northern export hub of Port Sudan, a government spokesman in Khartoum said.
South Sudan has to export oil via the north because it has no port or refineries of its own.
Relations between the two countries have deteriorated since South Sudan became independent on 9 July, analysts say.
Khartoum's foreign ministry spokesman, Al-Obeid Meruh, said 600,000 barrels of oil was being held.

... practice mainly indigenous traditional beliefs, although some practice Christianity, as a result of Christian missionary efforts

Go read the whole thing at The Astute Bloggers.


Pastorius said...

Breivik's voices tell him to kill people, and Damien the Evil blames it on Robert Spencer.

Muslims do what the Koran tells them to do, and Damien the Evil excuses it, blames it on "creeping Conservatism, or cultural disfunction.

It's not even worth discussing stuff with him, is it?

Pastorius said...

I decided to erase the whole thread because Damien has decided to take the thread in a different direction, and then snarked at me, but will not address the point I bring up, which is that he holds Robert Spencer accountable for Breivik, but he will not hold Islam accountable for the actions and abhorrent politics of a huge number of it's adherents.

Pastorius said...

Everything else is cleared away now, Damien. It's just you and me. What do you have to say for yourself.

You'd better be respectful, because if you are not, I'm willing to do this to you and every thread on this blog, until you either answer reasonably, or just leave.

I'm tired of you making excuses for the evil that is done in the name of Islam, Allah, and Mohammed.

D Charles QC said...

Pastorius, this is your blog and you can do what you like.

If your unable to "take comments" and just "make comments" then that is a reflection on yourself and frankly a poor one.

You could have just ignored my comments or taken them as "his opinion and different" but that you engaged has both positive and negative affects.

If anything I chose to comment and read this blog because I wanted to see how a certain community tackles these issues. As yet, even though you claim to be otherwise, I find that you are in fact exactly the same as the others and at the same standard.

In regards to Spencer, I consider him a hate-for-profiteer and I consider it rathe tragic that you defend him.

Also, if you recall, I originally said that it is blogs, such as Jihadwatch, GoV and many others - including the entire self-proclaimed anti-Jihad movement that must share "some responsibility" for creating the culture that "encourages" the likes of the Norway killer. If you exagerate or contextually alter what I said, it only confirms my argument in much of the exageration and contextual disasters that occurs here.

So it is your blog, thus yes I guess you are allowed to be the only snarky, belligerant and potty-mouthed one it, mind you that you must live with it. Fortunately, I comment on some other blogs with those that comment here and have no problem, why is that?

A last comment, you can chose to block or eliminate my posts, it would most certainly show that this is a club and not interested in various opinions, that is up to you. If you do so, may I ask that at least you return the item that I posted here in this thread on Sudan as the response to Damien clarifies the reality and intelligent posters like him deserve the respect of answering.

Pastorius said...

Damien says: it is blogs, such as Jihadwatch, GoV and many others - including the entire self-proclaimed anti-Jihad movement that must share "some responsibility" for creating the culture that "encourages" the likes of the Norway killer.

I say: It is Islamic bodies of thought, such as Salafis, Wahabbist and many others - including the entire self-proclaimed Jihad movement (WHO ARE SUPPORTED BY ENTIRE GOVERNMENTS, MEDIA OUTLETS AND ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS) that must share "some responsibility" for creating the culture that "encourages" the over 17,000 acts of Jihadist terror around the world since 9/11, including such disgusting atrocities as the Beslan Massacre, the London Subway bombings, the 3/11 Madrid train bombings, the attempted Times Square bombing, the Mumbai Massacre, the Bali Nightclub bombing, the Mindanao massacres, the Sudanese genocide, the Norwegian Christian village massacres, the attempted bombing of gasoline lines under JFK Airport



Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...


Could you please at least stop referring to "Damien Charles QC" as "Damien." People really are going to get the two of us confused. I do not agree with him when it comes to people like Robert Spencer, and others in the anti Jihad movement. I also agree with you that there's much wrong with Islamic thought and that it breeds violence. However, why are you deleting comments now that you simply don't like? You never did that before.

D Charles QC said...

Pastorius, yes that statement is reasonably accurate, as I believe is mine.

If anything, does it not show how much the world has done a step backward? It also underlines my point about two wrongs never make a right, ugliness should never reproduce ugliness in response.

The horrors of September 11, Madrid and so many more is reprehensible and those that wage war on us must be responded to and defeated. The question is do we respond with justice and noble actions or do we sink down to their level? I say, and will continue to say that those people and communities that I mentioned before are examples of either sinking to that level or are making profit from it and as long as anyone associates or defends them, they are to various degrees - implicated and condemnable.

Pastorius said...

Which of the two are worse:

1)the Norway killer.


2) 17,000 acts of Jihadist terror around the world since 9/11, including such disgusting atrocities as the Beslan Massacre, the London Subway bombings, the 3/11 Madrid train bombings, the attempted Times Square bombing, the Mumbai Massacre, the Bali Nightclub bombing, the Mindanao massacres, the Sudanese genocide, the Norwegian Christian village massacres, the attempted bombing of gasoline lines under JFK Airport


D Charles QC said...

I assume your asking the original Damien.

If you had directed the question at me, they are all bad in their own unique terrible ways.

There is, however, an extra ugliness to coordinated violence, terror or hate. That is also why "conspiracy to act" is always a more serious crime under law.

Though the Norway killer is technically a loan-killer/nutjob, again it comes down to the collective community causes, in which his "community" is on-line.

For example, we all know that by pushing a segment of a community into a ghetto and providing lack of oportunity causes distress and backlash, we can point fingers at a probably cause, even though obviously we demand respect of the law. For the cyber-community that provided ammunition, sources and even mute encouragement to the Norway killer, even though all would publically say that they condemn violence and would tell the guy to obey the law, that same analogy, we can also point fingers at some form of complicit cause. I am reading that this very subject is being debated in some on-line legal forums (sorry no link for obvious reasons).

D Charles QC said...

Do not even for one second think that I am condemning "the community" to punishment and some form of pound of flesh. Not at all.

What I do think, however, is that a general recognition that a lack of control, no clear unambigious message and acceptance of the unaceptable has "tainted" the objective and messages given and that tainted aspect is very much linked to the causes and feeding of such hate that the distrubed, insane and dangerous will act upon it. There is no blood on the fingers of the self-proclaimed anti-jihad movement, but certainly a moral smear of extrement and cordite hangs in the air.

Damien said...

Damien Charles QC,

No I think he's addressing you. I never said any of those things, and I don't think he would think that I did because I never even said anything that implied any of it.

Warren said...

"There is no "Muslim culture",[...]"

I call bullshit!

That whole paragraph is little more than a rationalization. Next you will be telling us that there isn't any Jewish culture.

Islam is far more than a religion, as anyone without an ax to grind and unfettered by ideological blinders is aware. Islam/Islamic scholars even insist that the Koran must be read and studied by individuals (as Robert Spencer has and you apparently haven't) in the original Arabic before it can be properly understood. That in itself is a call for immersion into Arabic culture before said enlightened "understanding" can be acquired.

D Charles QC said...

Warren, dream on.

Judaism is both a culture, ethnicity and a faith. Islam is only the latter. Though they say it is a "way of life", evidence has clearly shown that the huge number of different cultures that belong to the Muslim World dominates their life almost as much if not more than the religion. If anything, they have learnt to murge and even muddle their cultures with their faiths with the biggest arguments amongst non-Arab Muslims is that Arabs like to, and perhaps even deliberately, confuse their culture with their religion. The Taliban is a perfect example of a mix of Wahhabism and Pushtu-Tribal culture (and from what I see, the worst of both).

Warren said...

Sorry, D Charles, your "opinion" doesn't carry much weight with me!

Jews come in every color and Islam is both religion and culture. Your insistence on repeating yourself as the finally authority doesn't negate my assertion and rational thought would seem to agree with me. Who died and appointed you the pope of Islam?

The Whabists may set around Mecca and live the big life off of oil money while the Taliban lord it over the other goat herders but the difference in how they spice their food is of little concern to me when they both look to a Koran written in Arabic for their laws and punishment.

Or perhaps you are saying that law has nothing to do with culture.

D Charles QC said...

Warren, I suggest you ask a Jew, and they will throw their weight behind my comment.

Islam cannot be a "culture", what single race or nation do Muslims come from?

Perhaps you think that "laws" and "culture" are the same thing and thus I suggest you do a bit more study.

I also suggest that you stop considering the subject of law in some "way-to-easy simple and generalised sweeps".

To put it simple, since you consider law and culture to be the same thing, that for example the Law Reform Act of 1979 in Malaysia (which both introduced Sharia AND protection of non-Muslims within it) has little or nothing to do with say the Civil Code of Egypt (which includes Family Law) are both different. Egypt has also Sharia but family law is clearly mixed with the secular courts. Morocco has no Sharia system at all, is totally secular and in fact follows the French legal style.

Now talk to me about culture.....

Even if we go to the dictionary references it does not work.
cul·ture (klchr)
a. The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought.
b. These patterns, traits, and products considered as the expression of a particular period, class, community, or population: Edwardian culture; Japanese culture; the culture of poverty.
c. These patterns, traits, and products considered with respect to a particular category, such as a field, subject, or mode of expression: religious culture in the Middle Ages; musical culture; oral culture.
d. The predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization.

a. certainly does not, as pointed out clearly above.
b. most definitely cannot.
c. does not logically fit either, to many varients and lose definition, and
d. again the differences are clear though the aspect you have given does not fit, it could be argued that technically there are sub-cultures within the Muslim world, but certainly not within Islam itself.

Pastorius said...

To clarify,

For a racist, culture is all about race.

Our "friend" Damien The Omen Part II conflates race and culture, like any racist. Because Islam is not a race, it can not be a culture.

That's the "logic" of racists.

Eventually they all show their true cultures.

Hey, it's ok Damien the Omen Part II, you don't believe anything different than Hitler believed.

D Charles QC said...

Pastorius, I know this is your blog, but if you want to go the childish way of name-calling then I will assume that you have no problem in my doing the same, right?

Frankly speaking, I gave the full definitions of what is "Culture" so I assume you were unable to read and missed that, like you missed other points I made.

Warren is the confused one in this matter and perhaps you are as well. In all the definitions, the term culture does not work.

A last point, racist? I am Anglo-Spanish with some Guanches (Canary Islander) mixed in.

Pastorius said...

In this thread,

Damien claimed he had statistics to prove the Bible is more violent than the Koran. He does not have the statistics. So, he lied.

He is a liar.

He has now said he is going off on a quest to dig up those statistics. I say good on him, though the question is really not one of statistics as much as it is of a body of authoritative interpretation giving Jews and Christians a license to kill. No such interpretations exist on a widespread basis.

In Islam such interpretations exist to the point that there are whole nations whose Mosques, governments, Academic Institutions, and Media outlets, interpret the violent verses of the Koran as a license to kill.

Until Damien the Omen Part II comes up with the statistics he claimed to have had, I am going to erase every message he writes.

Pastorius said...

For the record, my friends, I am not saying Damien the Omen Part II is like Hitler. I am saying that his belief that Jews are a race is Hitlerian. Hitler thought the racial aspect of Judaism was paramount to the point that he hunted down anyone who had a grandparent who was a Jew.

Likewise, this Damien QC guy thinks there is this strong racial component to Judaism and he, at the same time, denies there is any racial, ethnic, or cultural component to Islam.

What does that tell you?

Damien said...


Well, I'm sorry I misunderstood you, than.

Warren said...

D Charles QC said...

"Warren, I suggest you ask a Jew, and they will throw their weight behind my comment."

Funny thing, there are Jews in my extended family and my best friend on the Internet is also Jewish. We've talked about this subject extensively since both of us were subject to attacks from a certain racist. He says your full of crap! Should I ask his brother, the Rav, the same question?

"Islam cannot be a "culture", what single race or nation do Muslims come from?"

What single race or nation does Western Culture come from? What single race or nation do the British come from

"Perhaps you think that "laws" and "culture" are the same thing and thus I suggest you do a bit more study."

I suggest you tone down your arrogant insulting attitude. Ignorance arrogance and intransigence do not make you a triple threat.

You seem to have an comprehension problem. Please show me where I said that law and culture are the same thing.

Is English not your first language? I administrated English forums for over three years and I have never seen a Brit with the comprehension problems you seem to have. I asked you if you thought that law had nothing to do with culture. You didn't answer.
" Now talk to me about culture....."

I would if you had any idea what you are talking about. You're like the man that argues its better to be hung with a hemp rope than be hung with a leather thong.