Monday, August 15, 2011

Turkey issues 'final word' to Syria

From Will at The Other News:

(Ynet).Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu on Monday told Bashar Assad military operations against civilians must end immediately and unconditionally, warning the Syrian president that these were Ankara's "final words". "This is our final word to the Syrian authorities, our first expectation is that these operations stop immediately and unconditionally,"  

Davutoglu told a news conference. "If these operations do not stop there will be nothing left to say about the steps that would be taken," he said, without elaborating. Turkish leaders, who once backed Assad, have repeatedly urged him to end violence and make reforms after street protests against his 11 years in power erupted five months ago.

Meanwhile, the Spanish newspaper El Pais reported that the Syrian president had rejected a proposal from Madrid for political asylum for himself and his family, as well as a plan to end violence in Syria. According to the report, Madrid sent one of President José Luis Zapatero's aides to Damascus last month to convince Assad to accept the plan.

The Spanish proposal included three stages: Immediate cessation of the violent crackdown, a conference of all parties to the conflict in Madrid, and the establishment of a new government with representation to the opposition. The Spanish aide told the paper he got the impression Assad would not compromise and that Syrian officials were all "out of touch with reality." 

Would Erdogan oppose Ahmadinejad?......I don't think so!Perhaps the Saudi king.... Yes."Barking dogs don't bite".

Read the full story here.


felix said...

Will be interesting to see if Turkey does anything to back up its words by occupying a part of western Syria. And if they do, will Iran intervene on Syria's side?

cjk said...

The Islamists in Turkey are still digesting the command of the armed forces.
If they make any move it will signal to me that they are far more aggressive, reckless, and ambitious then I ever dreamed to date.

Pastorius said...

Felix and cjk,
Yeah, I think you guys are right. So, I guess this is just another empty threat, a la, when Hussein said the battlefields would run with blood knee-high, blah blah blah.