Tuesday, February 14, 2012


In the Bronx in 1958, this was usually done over lunch money my mommy sent with me from home. It was $0.45 at the time.
I resolved it one day when Fat Stanley asked finally, and I answered with the mini bat I had gotten at Yankee Stadium, and it’s intersection with his knee. Since it was known that Fat Stanley was a bully, the teachers did nothing.
I reccommend this method for the current White House occupant since this end, the end of peace between Egypt and Israel, a peace brokered only among their political class and military classes who recognized the harsh realities, was NEVER one wanted by the peoples who are now free to make their wishes known.
This is a war the USA cannot stop.
It is the people of Egypt who wish it, and have expressed this in their vote, FOR WHICH THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE.

Muslim Brotherhood Warns U.S. Aid Cut May Affect Egypt’s Peace Treaty With Israel

A top Muslim Brotherhood official has warned that any cuts in U.S. aid to Egypt could affect Cairo’s peace treaty with Israel – the latest sign that Egypt’s emerging political forces intend to call Washington’s bluff over the diplomatic dispute triggered by acrackdown on non-governmental organizations.
Egyptian judges have referred 16 Americans and 27 others linked to NGOs for trial, accusing them of using foreign funds to encourage disruptive protests. Among the targeted NGOs whose assets and funds have been seized are the U.S. government-funded International Republican Institute and National Democratic Institute.
On Capitol Hill, the chorus of senior lawmakers calling for aid to Egypt to be suspended over the affair is growing, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has warned that the funds could be in jeopardy.
So far, the defiant response from Cairo has been attributed mostly to government figures with links to the deposed Mubarak regime, including the anti-Western minister for international cooperation, Fayza Abul-Naga. The military-appointed Prime Minister Kamal el-Ganzouri – who also served during the Mubarak era – told reporters last Wednesday that the authorities “won’t change course because of some aid.”
But now the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), which won almost 50 percent of the seats in recent legislative elections and dominates parliamentary committees, is making its position clear, too.
Left out of this is that another 25% of the seats are controlled by a group even MORE radical, but otherwise completely aligned with the brotherhood.
We should get used to the idea, that by their vote the people of Egypt have chosen a course which can lead to only one end.


Unknown said...

Hi Epa.

Meanwhile :"Obama set to approve Egypt, PA aid despite tensions, but decreases Israel's defence Budget!"


felix said...

aid of no-aid, the MB controlled Egyptian gov't will break peace treaty with Israel sooner or later. So let's save the money.