Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The New York Times Is Happy There Is a New Paternity Test Available That Can Help Women Know Whether To Abort Their Baby

It's a non-invasive Paternity test that lets women know who the father is, within the first trimester.

The NYT says:
With more than half of births to women under 30 now out of wedlock, it is a question that may arise more often. Now blood tests are becoming available that can determine paternity as early as the eighth or ninth week of pregnancy, without an invasive procedure that could cause a miscarriageBesides relieving anxiety, the test results might allow women to terminate a pregnancy if the preferred man is not the father — or to continue it if he is.

But, I want to point out something as well.

The NYT is saying women can choose to abort "if the preferred man is not the father."

Let us be clear that, if women are not sure who the father is, because they have more than one partner, then, in more cases than not, they are not even attempting to be monogamous, whether in a marriage or not.


if women are not even attempting to be monogamous, 

and still they are making a decision as to whether or not to have a baby based upon the criteria of who the father is, 

then these women view having a baby as as shake-down of men.

In other words, having a baby is a way to get a man to pay child support.


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