Monday, July 16, 2012

Obama: My "Proudest Achievement" Is The Economy, and Like A Bloody Wound, My Policies Need Time To "Congeal"

From CBS:
Despite partisan gridlock, the president argued he "did an awful lot in the first four years." 

When asked about his proudest achievement, interestingly, Mr. Obama didn't cite the passage of his health care law, which was recently upheld by the Supreme Court. 
"You know, my proudest achievement is actually stabilizing the economy to avert a great depression," he said. "Because if I don't do that, nothing else matters." 

(CBS News) —  President Obama won’t be caught criticizing Mitt Romney for arguing that his administration hasn’t pulled the economy far enough out of the hole it was in four years ago, the president told CBS News in an exclusive interview, “because if I was in his shoes, I’d be making the same argument.” [...]
“I think it’s important to know we did an awful lot in the first four years,” Mr. Obama told Rose when asked why he was seeking reelection. “But when I think about the next four years, what’s undone?”
The president argued that another term would help congeal policies he’s put in place to make sure the middle class is “strong and growing,” and said, “The question right now for the American people is, which vision – mine or Mr. Romney’s – is most likely to deliver for those folks?


Always On Watch said...


WC said...

When will the bull emanating from this clown ever stop !

Epaminondas said...

Did I just hear him say, 'at least you have your health'?