Sunday, July 15, 2012

Rod Stewart & The Faces
Maggie May

Hot Legs
(this one's for me wife)
(trust me, gents)

(ok, my boss and I were in his boss's office one day. A stuck up skinny little twit. And he wanted info on a call recording system we were thinking of buying. I knew my wife's company used it so I called her from there to ask about it. I started the conversation with "Hey Hot Legs! How ya doin'? Now, my boss knew I called my wife that -- for good reason -- and he was laughing like hell but his boss didn't know it NOR did he realize I was calling my wife. I thought he was having an embolism right there. He didn't find out the whole story until AFTER the phone call.)

(yeah, I know, and then I wonder why I'm still outta work)

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