Sunday, April 07, 2013

Crazy Old Uncle Joe Sez:

"The affirmative task we have now is to create a new world order"

"We have to update the global rules of the road that maximize benefits for everyone"

"It is overwhelmingly in our interest that China prosper"

"We have to level the playing field"


Always On Watch said...

Worldwide distribution of wealth -- that's the goal.

Pastorius said...

It is important to us that various nations around the globe do well. But it would be deadly to us if they do well because we subsidize their bullshit systems.

If they create a Capitalist system, and thus, create wealth, then that is great for everyone.

The more money they have, the bigger they are as a market.

Free Markets are the solution.

There is no other long-term equitable solution.

Charles Martel said...

Sorry Pastorius, free market solutions are not the goal of the New World Order these guys are endorsing.

Pastorius said...

Yes, I realize that.
