Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Islam Is A Religion Of Peace, Boston Marathon Attack Edition

From an Anonymous commenter:

I couldn't watch the press conference beyond a few moments. Revealing nothing, not even admitting it was a terror attack, the FBI spokesperson was deliberate in his message, and was closely intensely watched over his left shoulder by an individual who relaxed only after this spokesperson clarified that there were only 2 devices (not the five reported on several msm/websites earlier). 

I walked out of the room when this spokesperson mentioned "interfaith" service . . .deceptively revealing. 


The fix is in, guys. The Obama Administration and the Federal Government are preparing their alternate reality story:

Axelrod: Obama Thinks Boston Bombings Could Be Related to ‘Tax Day’

They don't even have to bother creating a False Flag Event 

Their whole Administration is a False Flag Event.

Fuck Barack Obama. 


Nicoenarg said...

Obama's foreign policy has been a failure (for the West. I think its exactly what Obama intended) and we all know that. If the terrorist is a Muslim (and I think it is, especially the way the bombs were placed to kill maximum amount of people. Those who'd run away from the first were going to be trapped by the second one...) then the rest of the country MIGHT start to question Obama taking it deep from the Muslims for the last 4 years and not getting any positive results.

And I say MIGHT because hey no one gave two sh*ts about Benghazi and no one still does. "Make no mistake..." I don't have any hope that people who actually did this will be brought to justice. They will probably arrest some random white guy just to save face and to have better relations with the easily offended animals, aka Muslims.

Pastorius said...

No, I don't think Obama could stop the FBI from tracking down the right people. The question is, will the media report the truth? I don't think so.