Friday, April 12, 2013

Jordan's parliament favors releasing Islamofascist who murdered Israeli schoolgirls

Jordan's politicians have just declared their own hostility to Israel, signaling it's getting worse there as they take the side of a military soldier who committed murder in the late 1990s:
110 of 120 Jordanian MPs signed a petition this week calling for the release of Jordanian Army Corporal Ahmed Daqamseh, who murdered seven Israeli schoolgirls, and injured five others and a school teacher, on March 12, 1997 in the Island of Peace site near Naharayim.

Daqamseh opened fire on a group of 80 seventh and eight grade school girls from AMIT Fuerst School in Bet Shemesh, who were visiting the "Island of Peace," a joint Israeli-Jordanian tourist resort under Jordanian rule.

Following the massacre, the late King Hussein of Jordan apologized for the attack and traveled to Israel to pay respect to the grieving families.

In February 2011, Jordanian Justice Minister Hussein Mjali, who previously served as Daqamseh's defense lawyer during the 1997 trial, called Daqamseh a hero and added that "if a Jew murdered Arabs, they'd [the Israelis] build him a statue."
So now they're revealing their true colors, and making clear they really do hate Israel. No wonder they'd hire such a repulsive man as a politician. It's too dangerous for Jews to live there, and that's why there was never any real peace treaty with Jordan to start with.

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