With Apologies to John Stormer.
The Boston Bombers are either dead or captured and the spinning wheels of the talking heads are parading before the cameras with our options. Either try the younger brother as an enemy combat or a criminal guilty of murder.
Both are wrong. He should be tried for sedition.
But he won’t. Here’s why.
First we have to admit that we are at war with an identifiable ideology – an ‘ism’. In this case Islamism. If so, any person or organization that teaches or practices the tenants of Islamism or give ‘aide or comfort’ – i.e. supports - is considered the enemy and tried under our sedition laws.
Of course, this will never happen.
First we have to admit who the enemy is – political correctness be damned. Then we’d need to try every radical Muslim organization like CAIR, those promoting sharia law, and the US media and persons in our institutions that apologizes and out right supports the Islamist agenda.
They know who they are and so do we.
What it will take for this country to understand this fact, I don’t know. But sooner or later, as more and more of this attacks happen, a blind man with a cane will see who the enemy is and hopefully we can protect our selves, family and our country in the war ahead.
At this point, I do not have any confidence we will move beyond treating each case individually. Each case will be tried as if they were "common criminals".
What will it take to shake this country up?
9/11 didn't do it. The Ft Hood shootings didn't do it. The Boston bombing didn't do it.
Will multiple explosions in different parts of the country, along with suicide bombers do it?
How many people have to die to get the point across that Islam is our enemy?
How many people have to die to get the point across that Islam is our enemy?
I hate to think about that one.
I am in college and will have to take 2 composition and a speech class.
When it comes time for me to write and speak about topics that I am passionate about, will I have the guts to include this topic?
I know that doing so will make me an enemy. I live right outside Dearborn. My college is full of Muslims. I have 2 in each class I am taking now.
First we have to admit that we are at war with an identifiable ideology – an ‘ism’. In this case Islamism.
I'm sorry but what is "ISLAMISM"? If those of us on this side who are fighting against this enemy can't even identify it right then how are we to expect others to identify the enemy?
The enemy is not ISLAMISM, that doesn't even mean anything, the enemy is ISLAM. Let's learn to actually say it right ourselves before we ask others to do it.
NC - Like I said. Islamism is an ideology like communism, progressivism, Fascism, capitalism, socialism, - these are all 'isms' - belief systems. People with agendas.
WC, I understand what you MEAN by it. However, ISLAMISM doesn't exist as a word outside of the Western mind that tries to separate Islam from ISLAMISM and Muslims from ISLAMISTS.
Its like saying "big-boned" when you mean to say "fat". Play on words by a society that lives on politically correct use of language. In other words, a bullsh*t exercise that only helps Muslims and Islam get away with murder.
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