Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Government, The Media And Their Boston Marathon Narrative

From an Anonymous commenter:

Media was tripping all over themselves in the early hours of this marathon bombing. A marathon bystander noticed this Saudi 'student' behaving suspiciously, took him down and got the attention of authorities. Once this suspicious student's identity was known, he was declared a 'person of interest', kept under unusually tight security at a hospital which barred entry/exit traffic while he was a patient. As word spread about this 'person-of-interest' the bomb narrative began to form in earnest...with CNN,CNBC,NBC,CBS all uniformly echoing the freshly spun 'right wing' signature of the bomb(s)/bomber(s). Michelle Malkin broke news of SoS John Kerry's pre-planned meeting with a Saudi minister suddenly shifted behind closed doors, locking out all media reps prepared to cover this meeting, leaving the media miffed, yet again. 

As coincidence would have it (wink, wink) an announcement declaring this "person-of-interest" cleared of suspicion & interest remains only as a witness to the event. How convenient! No one (that I have read or heard yet ) has remarked on the peculiar injuries this Saudi 'student' sustained at the marathon bombing. Peculiar in that only his hands were burned ( see ). Given the extensive injuries graphically illustrated by the media, the shredded flesh/bone/fabric, broken glass shards, shrapnel and metal pellets mercilessly punctured and spilled lifes blood into splattered pools surrounding victims dead and alive. Yet this Saudi 'student' managed to walk/run with only 'burns', nay, Debka reported 'severe burns' to his hands. which don't appear to be very injured provided in this photo by Walid Shoebat at all. Interesting & curious, no?

Tues. pm, CNN breaks in with news of an imminent arrest and hearing at a Boston courthouse, triggering absolute chaos in journalistic pools scrambling to confirm and update. A bomb threat (approx. 3pm) forces evacuation of both the court house AND Brigham Young Hospital, the very same hospital (ff 2:40interview with roommate) rumored to be treating this Saudi 'student'. 

Isn't that just a wee bit coincidental? Can't have this Saudi 'student' humiliated publicly- can we? 
Today, we learn this Saudi 'student' is going to be 'deported' for national security reasons. Who's national security is this administration concerned with? That bomb was an ACT OF WAR! And it's NOT the first perpetrated by Saudi nationals. 

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama professed "words have meaning". 

This weeks 'national security circus act ' shreds the meaning of the words in the SOLEMN OATH Obama and every member of this administration took to PRESERVE AND PROTECT. Elected and appointed officials apparently need to be reminded that National security - OUR NATION's security trumps all others. To think that Boston Marathon victim, 8 year old Martin's life is willfully trumped by this administration to soothe the ego of a Saudi national disgusts beyond all. 

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