Wednesday, July 03, 2013

BREAKING HISTORY --- Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Arrested, Army Moves In


Egyptian sources report that senior officials in the Muslim Brotherhood have been placed under house arrestand the military is securing strategic facilities across the country. 
The Islamist group that backed President Mohamed Morsi in last year’s successful bid to win the nation’s first democratic election is also now being scrutinized for corruption in the ranks.  
The group’s funding structure and records are being probed, according to a report posted Wednesday by the Egyptian Al-Ahram newspaper. 
The report also claimed the Egyptian Army has begun to hermetically seal strategicinstallations across the country in accordance with a military “road map” plan that mandates implementation by the army if politicians could not resolve the leadership crisis by Wednesday. 
The army reportedly had already taken control of all weapons and munitions arsenal sites. 
However, an Egyptian military source denied the reports, saying he instead expected political, social and economic figures to gather for talks on the “road map” plan. 
Military leaders are mulling three options for transitional leadership of Egypt, in the fast-approaching aftermath of the almost certain ouster of President Mohamed Morsi, according to the London-based al-Sharq al-Awsat newspaper.The first would be appointment of the president of the Constitutional Court as transitional leader, supported by a national council comprised of military and government officials. 
A second option would be leadership by the Higher Military Council. The third option to lead the nation would be appointment of a presidential council comprised of military and civilian officials. 
Morsi continues to insist that he will remain in office and has refused to resign. Nevertheless, a local media source told foreign reporters Wednesday morning that after the 48-hour ultimatum to the president by the army expires, “one of two things” would happen: “Either Morsi announces his resignation himself, or the declaration of his removal through the road map for the future [is] set out by the armed forces.”


Nicoenarg said...

Oh I really don't give a sh*t about what happens to Muslim Egyptians but I'm enjoying every minute of this because this is Obama's world failing right before our eyes.

Epaminondas said...

IF they are truly corrupt, it would a laugh riot.

What bunch of dupes that would make of Egyptians!

I wonder if they are using Goldstein, Karlewicz and Goldstein to check the books?