Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Obama Will Delay Implementation of Employer Mandate Until 2015 Due to Strenuous Complaints from Businesses

I can do whatever the fuck I want
Businesses won’t be penalized next year if they don’t provide workers health insurance after the Obama administration decided to delay a key requirement under its health-care law, two administration officials said. 
The decision will come in regulatory guidance to be issued later this week. It addresses vehement complaints from employer groups about the administrative burden of reporting requirements, though it may also affect coverage provided to some workers. 
The two officials, who asked not to be identified to discuss the move ahead of its announcement, said the administration decided to wait until 2015 before enforcing the employer mandate in order to simplify reporting requirements and give businesses more time to adapt their health-care coverage.
Ace asks:
If Obama can change the law by whim according to his political needs by unilateral executive action, doesn't that mean that a conservative president can do so as well? 


LL said...

A conservative president would be denounced by the mainstream media. Obama, being God, is not.

Always On Watch said...

Yeah, he gets a pass on this.

The health insurance companies will be going belly up before long. Such has been Obama's goal all along!

Epaminondas said...

What a joke we are