Monday, July 01, 2013

U.S. Imam Calls For Muslims To Wage Jihad As An End In Itself

From Jihad Watch:
Note also his words about jihad, quoting Muhammad: "I have been commanded to fight the people until they testify la illaha illa Allah [there is no god but Allah]." 
And Qadhi says: "The life and property of a mushrik [one who worships others besides Allah] holds no value in the state of jihad....which means if they don't say la illaha illa Allah, their lives and property are halal" -- that is, permitted to be taken by the Muslims. 
Qadhi is an imam in Memphis. He is also Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute. He is a hafiz -- that is, he has memorized the entire Qur'an. He has an M.A. in the Islamic Creed and a B.A. in Islamic Sciences from Islamic University of Medina, as well as a master's and a doctorate in Islamic Studies from Yale. 
How is it, then, that he misunderstands jihad so spectacularly that he sounds like a greasy Islamophobe? When is Bill Killian going to arrest Qadhi for hate speech? And when is Qadhi's speaking tour of England?


Nicoenarg said...

I hope more and more Imams speak up like him. I am sick and tired of the cat and mouse, back and forth BS.

More Muslims need to speak the truth about Jihad and what Islam demands of Muslims.

I commend this barbarian idiot for saying what his religion is really about.

Epaminondas said...

IF you wage Jihad for it's own sake you are mentally damaged and therefore disabled, and therefore can go immediately on SSN/SSI, get a cell fone, free health care, SNAP, and for 19.99/month lay about with basic cable and watch the GOLF NETWORK.

THIS IS A Zionist plot of some sort