Wednesday, July 03, 2013

What if the Neocons are right? Just not in the way they expected

For quite a while now (since the Gaza elections) I had thought that even if UNDEMOCRATIC Islamist parties took popular legitimately elected power, sooner or later people would want better lives in THIS life for themselves and their children, PROVIDING subsequent elections were held. 
Which looked doubtful.
I had conceived of this process as taking 1-2 generations, minimum.
Then Egypt.
There is no doubt of the electoral supremacy of the expressed desire for more Quran as frank govt in Egypt. But something is REALLY REALLY WRONG.
PRICES trump all else? Supply trumps all else?
Or have the Egyptians concluded a better life HERE and NOW will never happen this way, ALREADY
It appears that given the directions of the Muslim Brotherhood govt in Egypt, a crisis is at hand in a year.
The Quran cannot fill your gas tank.
Or pay you for your work.
Or build you a pool.
Overlooking the ocean or the Nile.
Somewhere in Egypt right now, there is SOME Brotherhood afficianado wondering if the Quran should be separate from the complex and dirty biz of govt and gasoline prices and supplies.
Will he get chopped or heard?


Nicoenarg said...

For quite a while now (since the Gaza elections) I had thought that even if UNDEMOCRATIC Islamist parties took popular legitimately elected power, sooner or later people would want better lives in THIS life for themselves and their children, PROVIDING subsequent elections were held.

I don't think that's ever going to happen. If a society is corrupt to its core, do you really think that society will strive to be better, democratically?

Pakistan has had "democracy" for quite a while. They still manage to vote for sh*t rather than any decent human being.

Just like you can't fix stupid, you can't fix Islam and its children.

Epaminondas said...

If so then call a spade a spade and back authoritarian military regimes (we supply) OUTRIGHT and with CLEAR explanation to the american people - and then keep the reins tight.

'So sorry but all you people CANNOT govern yourselves'

Nicoenarg said...


If so then call a spade a spade and back authoritarian military regimes (we supply) OUTRIGHT and with CLEAR explanation to the american people - and then keep the reins tight.

'So sorry but all you people CANNOT govern yourselves'


Epaminondas said...

That's a FRANK empire, Nico, and while it might make some kind of realpolitik sense, America can NEVER do it.
The closest we came was in central america, and Iran, and we can see how that all worked out

Nicoenarg said...

Then Amerca needs to pull itself out of the Middle East or the ME is going to burn forever. Or until the flames of Islam and the culture it sowed have been snuffed out.

America doesn't "get" the Middle East.

Nicoenarg said...

Or continue the doomed to fail experiment of democracy in the middle east after pulling out all non Muslims from there and giving them asylum in America.

Yeah now I don't think America is ever going to do that. Especially after what I've seen in the last five years or so.