Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Australia: Muslims Burn Down Church, Pastor Returns Favor By Speaking In Support of Their Cause At Anti-Semitic al-Quds Day Rally

Pussy for Jesus, or Bitch for Allah?
Remember the 100 year old church that burned down in Australia by unnamed arsonists? Well the preacher of that church, pastor, priest or whatnot appeared as a guest speaker at an Australian ‘Al Quds’ day demonstration.
Father Dave Smith: Holy Trinity church – strong supporter of Palestinians’ rights. [...] An Israeli flag at the rally had the words “Delete Zionists” painted on the blue stripes, and the Star of David was circled and crossed out.


Charles Martel said...


Anonymous said...

Why isn't this 'priest' a suspect?

Epaminondas said...

Look if they burn down a church, it's the jews fault, you all know that.

I can't tell if this is the first Bayreuth festival, the first crusade, or 1938.

And we are trying to stop Israel?
If I am Netanyahu, it's going to be an EMP attack.