Friday, August 02, 2013

Freedom of Religion Watch - Gays To Sue Church of England Over Refusal To Hold Same-Sex Marriages In Churches

From The Blaze:
With Britain’s legalization of same-sex marriage will likely also come a legal battle for the Church of England. Following the queen’s blessing of gay nuptials, one couple is going to challenge at least one religious denomination that refuses to marry homosexuals. 
With the Church of England and the Catholic Church refusing to opt-in to officiating same-sex marriages, Barrie Drewitt-Barlow, a well-known gay advocate, told the Essex Chronicle he is planning to challenge the former institution in court. 
Barrie, who joined into a civil partnership with a man named Tony in 2006, says he’s a practicing Christian who is less-than-content with the churches’ views. The couple has five children. 
“It is like someone giving me a sweetie with the wrapper on and telling me to suck it,” he said. “We are happy for gay marriage to be recognized — in that sense it is a big step. But it is actually a small step because it is something we still cannot actually do.”


Anonymous said...

Hold up.

I personally think that secular governments should not stop couples from getting married whether they be gay, straight, blue, brown, left or right.

I think Christians who march against governments legalizing gay marriage are f***in stupid because if its a secular country then Christians (or anyone else) should NOT be forcing their ideas of what's right on others.

HOWEVER, asking the churches to change their religious beliefs just because two dudes want to get it going on? That's BS. Sure these guys have their rights but so do the Christians who actually want to follow their religion. Why do these morons want to get married within a church that doesn't even agree with their lifestyle in the first place?

Gay rights...sure, but what about religious freedom? And on top of that, is this piece of sh*t lawyer going to go after the mosques as well?

I for one am getting sick and tired of the whining of gays. You have your rights already, be f***in happy and leave us alone!


Pastorius said...

I agree with you across the board on this.

The place where I tend to disagree with most of my compadres, however, is I DO NOT BELIEVE TWO MEN OR TWO WOMEN ARE AS GOOD AT PARENTING CHILDREN AS A MAN AND WOMAN, all other things being equal.

Therefore, I do not believe it is in society's best interest to give gays equal preference in adoption. I think gays should be allowed to adopt, but they should have lesser preference, or whatever you want to call it.

Anonymous said...


Therefore, I do not believe it is in society's best interest to give gays equal preference in adoption. I think gays should be allowed to adopt, but they should have lesser preference

Yup I agree with you there, 100%.


Pastorius said...

It's not a very "Libertarian" position to take, but it is my opinion.

Epaminondas said...



The state should be empowered ONLY to grant a civil contract with ALL the legal consequences of a marriage, and EACH RELIGIOUS denomination can then decide on a congregation by congregation basis whether to marry people of the same sex.

Steve Finnell said...


Were denominations created so the could teach the apostles doctrine? No they were not.

Acts 2:42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrineand fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.(NKJV)

The Roman Catholic denomination was established so it could teach the doctrine of popes, cardinals, the doctrine of the Roman Catholic denomination.

The Lutheran denomination was formed so they could teach the doctrine of Martin Luther.

The Baptist denominations were brought into existence so they could teach the doctrine of John Calvin and that of Baptist preachers.

Denominations were formed so they could teach doctrines contrary the doctrine of the apostles.

Can you name one denomination that teaches the terms for pardon that the apostle Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost?(Acts 2:22-41 ......40 And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, "Be saved from this perverse generation." 41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them,)(NKJV)

Peter did not preach. .1 Salvation by good works. 2. Salvation by Law keeping. 3. Salvation by grace alone. Salvation by faith only. 5. Salvation by saying the Sinner's Prayer.

Peter preached. 1. Faith; John 3:16. 2. Confession; Romans 10:9. 3. Repentance; Acts 2:38. 4. Water Baptism; Acts 2:38.
Peter preached the apostles doctrine.

Denominations were created to teach and preach the doctrines of men.

Mark 7:5-13......"making the word of God of no effect through your traditions which you have handed down. And many such things you do."(NKJV)

Denominations were created to teach the traditions of men.

If all believers in Christ taught the apostles doctrine, found in the New Testament Scriptures, there would be no denominations.

YOU ARE INVITED TO FOLLOW MY CHRISTIAN BLOG. Google search>>>>steve finnell a christian view

Pastorius said...

You see that, guys? There's someone who knows the truth that the rest of us don't know.

He could lead us.