Thursday, August 08, 2013

“The American stance on an Israeli strike has changed dramatically recently”

Washington Free Beacon:
Gen. Amos Yadlinsaidin an interview on Israel Army Radio on Wednesday. “The music I’ve been hearing lately from Washington says ‘If this is truly an overriding Israeli security interest, and you think you want to strike,” then the light hasn’t changed to green, I think, but it’s definitely yellow.”
Yadlin is former military attache in Washington and still has close ties with officials there. He was one of the eight Israeli pilots who destroyed Iraq’s nuclear reactor in 1981 and was intelligence chief in 2007 when a structure being built for Syria’s secret nuclear program was destroyed by aircraft, reportedly Israeli. He retired from the armed forces three years ago
If Obama thought drones alone could do this, I might think it might have some bit of truth to this.
If Israel perceives it’s time to go, NOTHING Barack Obama can say, threaten or do will make ANY DIFFERENCE. We are backing AL QAEDA in Syria, for God’s sake. Does anyone REALLY think anything we threaten will stop Israel? If we even have the temerity to send a mean letter to OUR ONLY ACTUAL ALLY in the ME.
Yadlin is simply trying to make it more difficult for David Plouffe and Axelrod to give cover to Obama and complain about Israel…. IF.
More and more however it looks like NOTHING will stop Iran, and we are on the verge of an all out nuclear arms race in the middle east. KSA, Egypt, etc as well as Iran. Probably Turkey as well.
And WHO is to blame?

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