Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Man Behind the "9/11 Million Muslim March" Is A "‘Virulent Anti-Semite’, Blames 9/11 on the Jews

From Mediaite:

On Thursday night, MD Rabbi Alam, the organizer of the Million Muslim March planned to take place on September 11 in commemoration of the attacks of 9/11/2001, engaged in a heated debate with Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity over whether such an event was appropriate on that day. On Friday morning, Dr. Zuhdi Jasser joined Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade where he called Alam one of several “virulent anti-Semites” who should rethink their plans. 
“They’re basically a bunch of ‘truthers’ who think that the America is to blame for everything,” Jasser said of Alam’s group. 
He said that the group’s leadership are composed of “virulent anti-Semites” who thought that “9/11 was a conspiracy theory.” Jasser added that “American Islamist groups” are also a part of this march, like the Council on American Islamic Relations.  
“He is a virulent anti-Semite who talks about the 9/11 barbarism being a false flag for a Zionist operation,” Jasser said of Alam. “He’s just a whack job.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps Obama will invite them all for the next interfaith Prayer session at the White house?