Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Israel is playing in the wrong stadium in the wrong league in the wrong sport

This became clear this morning with J Carter (famous home builder) telling the world that HAMAS is a legitimate actor.
Why are they legitimate?
Because they are elected, and by almost 2/3 of the Gazans.
Just now I heard Netanyahu prattling on and on about terrorists. In Gaza HAMAS are not terrorists. They have the FULL support of the Gazans. Those rockets and tunnels under the bedroom of some 4 years old girl, you’re bitching about Bibi?


You are not fighting an engagement with a few terrorists keeping a population under dire force. You are fighting a war of survival against a motivated people filled with hate for JEWS, not just Israel.
The National Socialist Party came to power in Germany with ~32% of the vote and we ended up obliterating their nation DISPROPORTIONATELY. No German bomb touched the USA, but we crushed scores of cities and INCINERATED Dresden killing more that at Hiroshima. What happened in London doesn’t BEGIN to approach what Berlin looked like in 1945.
That is your meme, Bibi. IDF are you listening?
Gaza is not yearning for freedom under a Jeffersonian administration. They are yearning for 5 million dead Jews AS A START.
Here is a leading cleric:
The Jews are the Enemies of Muslims Regardless of the Occupation of Palestine; ‘Believe That We Will Fight, Defeat, and Annihilate Them, Until Not a Single Jew Remains on the Face of the Earth’
Muhammad Hussein Yacoub (Arabic: محمد حسين يعقوب‎) is an Islamic scholar in Egypt, who has given hundreds of lectures in Da’wah. A number of his books are currently being published.
He studied the six canonical books of Sunni Islam with Moroccan scholar Muhammad Abu Khubza, in addition to studying with fellow Egyptian Abd al-Hamid Kishk. He then lived Saudi Arabia from 1980 to 1985, studying with Saudi clerics Abd al-Aziz ibn Baz and Muhammad ibn al Uthaymeen.
This should be what you are pounding, and every Israeli representative should be ON MESSAGE about on EVERY TV INTERVIEW.
To Israel what is going on is an EXTENDED WW2, and Gaza IS Berlin, home of Heydrich, Himmler, Eichmann and Haj Amin Al Husseini.
When BDS supports the ‘occupied’ they should be challenged as to why they support such ideals, WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
Your news analysis SUCKS and you are losing a BIG BATTLE. STRATEGICALLY!

What did Gazans vote for?
Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”
This Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS), clarifies its picture, reveals its identity, outlines its stand, explains its aims, speaks about its hopes, and calls for its support, adoption and joining its ranks. Our struggle against the Jews is very great and very serious. It needs all sincere efforts. It is a step that inevitably should be followed by other steps. The Movement is but one squadron that should be supported by more and more squadrons from this vast Arab and Islamic world, until the enemy is vanquished and Allah’s victory is realised.

The HAMAS Covenant, preamble

Article Thirteen:

Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement
There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.
The Gazans voted for a war of e extermination of the Jews. Nor are they alone in their desires.
From a recent poll of Palestinians BY Palestinians

Gazans by the same % the voted for HAMAS, in JUNE supported NO ISRAEL rather than peace.
That is a BIG MESSAGE for the world.
I don’t hear it.
I see it. I know it. But I don;t hear it.



Pete Rowe said...

Pretty much spot on.

Charles Martel said...

No doubt Bibi is widely awake, but having your strongest "ally" on the phone threatening and shouting at you demanding your unilateral surrender (when you are the attacked and the victim of the attacks) must be quite unnerving. If the US withdraws its support, where is Israel left? How long will they be able to resist by themselves, supporting the dome by themselves, and whatever other weapons and assistance they receive from the US? I don't know much about Israel's military situation and dependence on US and foreign support, but they are surrounded by enemies, and the world is condemning them, Not a very pleasant place to be. My heart goes to Bibi. He must feel quite alone.

Anonymous said...

The worst thing...Israel does not need our aid, they need out support. Our government grudgingly gives some of the former but little of the latter. The USA is firmly on the wrong side of the foremost moral issue of the day.

Our government elite, style and opinion makers are hopelessly immoral and corrupt. We have a very dark future ahead of us. Something about reaping the whirlwind...