Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Whooops!.. There it is!

When I first starting blogging and began our Blogtalk Radio show, I spoke of the Theater of War against Islamofascism.

I speculated that the Theater would stretch from across North Africa through the Saudi peninsular passed the middle-East and Pakistan and onto Indonesia. And low and behold, here is a map of ISIS's projected Caliphate.

All that's missing is Indonesia.

The War will begin here.

All that's missing will be the civil war in Europe between Islamofascism and right-wing fascism.
But that's another story.

What's the odds of the developing Caliphate being stopped? Piss poor in my opinion. The free world can not even bring itself to declare who the enemy is. We had our chance after 9-11 but refused to do so for a variety of reason for which we are about to pay the price.


If you won't define the enemy you can't fight it.


Always On Watch said...

We are Cassandras. **sigh**

Nicoenarg said...


